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Taking it to the Edge and Astrology Forecast September 10-16

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We are coming up to the beginning of the 4th quarter phase of the lunar cycle on Wednesday this week.

That will be the last quarter of the lunar cycle that began at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo on August 21.

That 4th and last quarter ends at the New Moon in Virgo on September 20, to be closely followed on September 22 by the Autumn Equinox.

This effectively ends Eclipse Season.  So the enormous intensity brought on by this Eclipse Season begins to subside.

Now that does not mean that important events in the world will end at that point.  In fact important events that have reference to what happened during Eclipse Season will likely unfold within 6 months from when Eclipse Season ends.

And it has been a most powerful Eclipse Season, with both natural and man made events erupting in the world, centered in large part in America.

North Korea and the United States have been frighteningly showing the world the potential danger of war and even nuclear war.

The natural disasters have been exceedingly dangerous ones.  Since the Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo on August 21 we have experienced a devastating hurricane, Hurricane Harvey  moving through much of Texas.

There also is an equally large hurricane about to engulf Florida, Hurricane Irma.  And 2 more hurricanes have been developing in the Atlantic Ocean, Jose and Katrina.

These are said to be some of the biggest hurricanes in many years.

And in Mexico, an especially powerful 8.1 earthquake struck last week. This is one of the largest earthquakes in many years.

So the predicted natural disasters occurred as did the war threats and culture war threats during Eclipse Season.

Personal lives have been in uproar also, as many people have been coming to crossroads moments in their lives, or at least they are experiencing important turning point events or decisions that need to be made.

We have undoubtedly entered a most difficult transition time between one chapter of our lives to a whole New Chapter of our lives.

The old “contracts” or agreements we have made with others or with ourselves (spoken or unspoken) have expired, and we are deciding at a deep soul level if there is a new agreement to be made, a new birth into this New Chapter.

I am seeing this most especially in important relationships or marriages. The life or heart of the old form has been dying, and people are trying to see if there is new life to fuel their continued existence with one another.

And globally, old world relationships are not working as before, and thus new alliances are forming, a more multi polar world is developing, beyond super powers or dominating empires.

Russia, China, the United States, North Korea, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc. are looking for what countries or cultures to bond with as allies now.

This is similar to what happened prior to the world wars of the 20th century. And now we hope and pray another way is found to build alliances this time.

It is even more important now how this shuffling of alliances plays out, because we are so close to the Age of Aquarius’ need of Diversity within Unity; but also because there are now weapons of mass destruction that have been developed by so many countries now.

In personal lives everyone is searching for heart connections and soul connections with others, yet also looking for an authentic expression of oneself.

In that process we are found doubting previously considered solid relationships, jobs, and homes, as well as reconsidering how we each perceive ourselves and life itself.

Our beliefs and inner paradigms are shifting, shifting in order to make sense of our world now, in order to survive and evolve in conjunction with this New World we are all moving into.

The natural disasters and man made threats to our existence are pushing us to feeling our vulnerability to things that are greater than we each are.

As a result some are getting tougher to feel more able to deal with the threats, but many are also joining with others to help one another through these difficult times.

Look at the reaction of people to the natural disasters: many are going out of their way to assist others who are losing their homes or loved ones. Empathy and love between people are growing as a result.

We need to know we are all in this together, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or lifestyles.

More events will unfold to assist us in banding together as One Earth Family.

But of course some will persist in believing the old paradigm of “survival of the fittest” understood as I need to conquer you in order to survive and evolve.   And then I need to take all the goodies for myself at your expense.

We know now that survival and evolution of our species is dependent on our knowing we are all connected and working together. Otherwise blowing each other up is in our future (or non future).

Remember as Eclipse Season begins to wind down, that the powerful natural disasters that have been happening are centered around the USA- where the Total Solar Eclipse travelled exclusively over. And the other big one, the 8.0 Earthquake struck not far away in Mexico.

Mars in Trump’s chart was triggered by the Total Solar Eclipse. And the USA natal Moon in Aquarius was closely opposed by that same eclipse.  So was North Korea’s Saturn very closely conjunct the eclipse.

Israel and Netanyahu  also experienced a triggering of Mars. I did not know what that meant until this last week when Israel staged it biggest military exercises of the last 20 years.  And they dropped a bomb on Syria to stop supposed chemical weapons from being delivered and in the process killed 2 people. The Middle East is now susceptible to major conflict as a result.

Our world and personal lives are going through such dramatic transformation now.

But in that process people are waking up, looking for new ways, opening their minds and hearts, listening better, developing greater empathy and compassion, and moving toward lives more heartfelt, soul based, and authentic.

Being human has never been an easy journey, at least not for long. We are here for reasons other than material gain and material success and contentedness.

We are quite a fascinating species.

We have hearts and souls and complicated interesting minds. Unlike any other Earth creatures we can paint beautiful pictures, compose music that touches and moves us deeply, develop spiritual perspectives, find meaning for our lives, create masterful technology, mass communication devices, mass transportation, and find love in our hearts and empathy for one another.

Yet unlike any other creatures we also kill for reasons other than eating, we hate and control, we judge and lack trust.

Our next frontier is the most important of all I believe.  That is seeing ourselves as one family embracing and respecting our differences. We must leave the false notion that there is something wrong with us, having original sin, or some other fatal flaw. Our self loathing and judgments have much to do with what we have done to hurt one another.

We are beautiful beings learning how to grow and evolve together. And unfortunately we have the habit of taking things to the edge before we are convinced we must change and transform.

Pray that we do not take things too far to the edge this time. Let us instead more gracefully awaken to who we are evolving into to be aligned with the Age of Aquarius.

Till next week from Sedona Arizona,


Speaking of Sedona I will be leading a class on Transforming Consciousness into the Golden Age of Aquarius on September 23 at noon- 6 PM Pacific Coast Time.  Astrology and your own chart will be a big part the process.

You can participate in person or by webinar most anywhere on the Earth. Contact me at for more info.  And registration for the class must be made by September 22. I will need your birth date, birth time, and birth place for registration.

I have a new website:  I also still have the website with my life partner Deborah at

I do deep transformational counseling and spiritual guidance to assist people to break out of old consciousness and ways, and stay on their higher path during these challenging times. Of course I use astrology as my lense for insight and perspective, for understanding your true soul identity and its journey this lifetime. You can contact me at or phone me at 207-653-7717 for more info or to set up a session.

Please take a look at the new video I made about Eclipse Season. There will be a follow up video soon.

Please take a look at the video David Lonebear Sanipass and I created a few months ago-

If you need any help with your relationship now, I do couple’s counseling. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go?  I use the astrological model to compare charts to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.

And if you would like a personal reading/consultation, please contact me at

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