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The Challenge of the Aquarian Age and Astrology Forecast for February 14-20

by Leo Knighton Tallarico

We are moving through a New Moon in Aquarius this weekend, February 13-14.    It is especially noteworthy as it makes conjunction with Neptune.  Aquarius takes us into the mental ethers and networks. It takes us beyond the ONE, and into the Many.   It is about decentralized networks like the intenet.   It is groups, community, and social networks.    As it conjuncts Neptune we are more connected to friends and communities and social networks from our deeper soul, not just from our minds.   Deep healings can occur in and through group settings now, in community, on social networks, in a club, at a retreat, even with family.  This is true for the whole lunar month ahead.

But the process may not be so easy and graceful for many, as Neptune can bring you through fogs of disorientation on the way to deep healing.  You may need to face old patterns of behavior in social situations that make you feel bad about your self, ashamed, or challenged.

Even on social networks like Facebook, people are facing their social and group inner demons.    When you write something on Facebook, your whole communiy of friends sees it and responds to it.  You have put your self on the line for all to see.   “Community” gets to know more about who you are.  You hope your community of friends will be unconditional with you, but that is not always possible.  Even the groups you become fans of, the games you play, the friends you pick, the pictures you put up, they all say much about who you are.

So now this month ahead you will receive healings from your communities.  People may say things to you or write things to you that all can see that will make you feel good about your self and may even make you cry.  You may feel drawn to say things to people you have never said to them before that will make them feel very good about themselves.  Give it a try this month, it is in alignment with Universal movement.

There is an Aquarian Age we are moving into, and group communities and networks will be growing more and more.  Many believe the establishment of the internet was the beginning waves of our Aquarian Age. It is a decentralized network of people and information and web sites. It connects us all in greater community.  There is also a freedom of movement and information, a power to the people, so to speak, without much intervention from government or central controls.  This is Aquarius.

But Aquarius must be careful not to leave the soul, the feelings and body. Aquarius is higher mind, mental airwave connections like the internet.  It is also cell phones, ipods, and technology in general.   We are challenged, by these technologies, to be present in our bodies, to be present for our lives, to feel, to truly connect with others.  So often now we are not looking at someone and touching them.  We are having only virtual relationships.

Last year I was at a baseball game and a young boy about 7 or 8 years old was intently playing video games while the baseball game was played, while people were yelling and having fun.  He only looked up once or twice from his video game, to grab some food from his mom, and to give a dirty look at a woman who was yelling too loud while he was playing his game.

We must make conscious effort to stay in our souls and bodies, and not get addicted to our technology.

Uranus is the planet that is the “ruler” of Aquarius.  It is the planetary corollation to Aquarius. Myth has it that Uranus was a sky god who was married to Gaia, Goddess of the Earth.  They were not very connected. She complaned about him all the time how he was not connected to her, and instead fooled around with other women.    She wanted to hurt him and asked her many children to help her. They all turned her down except Saturn.  Keep in mind that Saturn is the ruler of gravity, just what someone not connected to the Earth would need.

Saturn severed the testicles of his father Uranus. Those testicles dropped into the waters and became Venus, Goddess of Love.

That love is what connects the Sky God to the Earth.

Our human family, especially those who are most connected to technology, in developed countries, are often dangerously leaving their connection with Gaia, destroying the Earth and environment.  They also use science and technology to drop bombs on people, even innocent civilian people. 

They call the casualties and killings collateral damage. These are real people like me and you, real people with homes and families and jobs that get destroyed.  We killed over 200,000 people with nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in world war II.   We have recently killed innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. And soon we are likely to kill more people in Iran.

These raiders will be brought down from the Sky to see what they are doing to our Earth and its people.    Saturn’s gravitational pull will before long pull them down to face what they are doing.  The Saturn square Pluto and Saturn opposite Uranus aspects this year will help this to happen.  Saturn is also the lord of karma and it is time to take responsibility for our actions.

Technological breakthroughs will continue, and are meant to be as we enter an Aquarian Age.  Social networks and the internet will continue to grow and prosper.  But we can also bring our selves more into our bodies, into our feelings and emotions, into reality. 

We can pay more attention to what the Earth needs from us, pay more attention to our human-ness, to our mates’ and friends’ needs, touch one another more, care for those who are suffering.  Arrogance is “sky” detached from what is is to be human, so to speak.

We can now balance heaven and earth, mind and body; so we can heal our human family and Earth and its environment, and proudly and in wholeness enter the Aquarian Age together. 

Besides the New Moon in Aquarius this weekend, the other astrological highlight this week is the Sun moving into Pisces on Thursday the 18th.  That means there is only one more month of winter, until the Aries spring equinox. 

Pisces is the surrender of our egos and the letting go to nature and the flow of the Universe. Pisces tends, during its surrender, to sacrifice it self and take care of others’ needs before its own. It is adept at being whatever  and whoever it needs to be. AS the last sign before the beginning of spring, it contains all the previous signs within itself.  This flexibility combined with letting go of the ego can challenge Pisces to develop a solid self and a straight forward life plan.  Some of them can seem passive and evasive, but actually it is their way- to enter other realms, to trust the flow, to go through a mysterious often circuitous process to get where they are going.     

This month do not try too hard, instead let go and trust life.  And heal and release and get your self ready body and soul for new beginnings in the spring.

See you next week,

Leo Knighton Tallarico

Please visit my website for more information and to view the services I can offer you duing these changing times.

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