By Leo Knighton Tallarico
The long awaited New Moon in Aries has arrived! It is an early morning time of the year now, and doors and windows have been opened to let in the fresh air of new beginnings.
But if we look at the roads outside the doors, we see car pileups blocking the way forward. Saturn and Pluto made challenging squares to that New Moon, letting us know there are obstacles to be overcome if we want to be able to cruise forward with our lives after this New Moon.
The clearing of obstacles is on both an inner and outer level. Some of the work is internal, clearing out the obstacles of old stories we keep repeating in our minds that affect us so deeply in our hearts and souls. The ego keeps control if we keep believing in our stories.
After awhile the story takes on a life of its own, no longer being connected to the truth of the situation that brought on the story.
Many of those stories keep us in victim consciousness. Yes we were hurt, abused, and /or victimized. But we are not victims. It is the identification with being a victim that keeps us getting victimized.
As we keep the story of being a victim, we automatically give our power away to those who abuse power. Bullies love disempowered people. And the stories are kept alive.
In fact the whole idea of perpetrators/victims, and predator/prey needs to leave the consciousness of our collective human paradigm for the Age of Aquarius.
That story is not helpful and does not need to be kept real. There are many who are still a part of the myth that men are predators and women prey. Much sexual energy can be stirred up from this predator/prey belief.
This old drama is a conditioned one that has lasted for too long, as it perpetuates the kind of sexual and power abuse that is so prominent in our culture now.
More and more women are opting out of identification with being a victim, and men are wising up now too that they do not need to be predators.
And another old paradigm belief that keeps power and sex abuse alive, and the separation between men and women alive, is the splitting of women between madonna and whore, and the splitting of men between bad boy and good boy.
These are stories that need to go as part of our transformation and evolution as humans on Earth.
So this week we experience the movement forward after the Aries New Moon, knowing there are still obstacles on our path forward. Of course that slow-down helps in not doing things impulsively, but it can feel frustrating to be held back.
In the middle of this week, on Wednesday the 10th there are contradicting energies to be experienced.
Venus conjuncts Neptune, taking Mercury’s place. Mercury has been conjunct Neptune for over a week, as Mercury slowed down to go back Direct on March 28. Have you been more forgetful and spacey lately? Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces may be why.
Now with Venus conjunct Neptune we may feel more dreamy and romantic, more in need of giving and receiving love, and maybe more inclined to sacrifice oneself or to feel compassion for people we previously felt hard-hearted about.
Also on the 10th the Sun in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn, an out-growth of the New Moon square Saturn last week. This continues to signify you cannot push the river to go faster than it will go naturally. Be patient, and yet also know for sure the movement is forward now, slow but sure.
And maybe the most felt energy will be Jupiter changing directions from retrograde to direct.
When a planet changes directions, its energy and meaning fill the psyche and life.
So Jupiter’s high road of inspiration, meaning, and adventure expands its influence in our hearts and minds. This helps us to feel connected to the feeling of movement and progress.
So put Saturn’s slowdown to use by setting goals, making plans, and having the discipline to carry out the plan. While you wait, make the plan.
On Friday the 12th the waxing Moon enters its half moon second quarter in Cancer. So as you move forward, being safe needs to be part of your journey.
World events will be picking up speed soon enough.
Radical events have not been carried out yet, but have been talked about at length. It may happen soon that Trump closes the border to Mexico or more of the Mueller Report will come out for all to see.
Late April/Early May may bring more volatility, as USA natal Mars is triggered by a Mars in Gemini opposition to Jupiter in Sagittarius.
As you will hear more about in my podcast, the USA natal Mars and Trump’s Sun and Moon are very closely connected. It was one of the reasons I predicted him to be president.
What Trump feels about himself and the military/police movements of the USA are very connected. Keep an eye out in late April and May for shifts in USA military ventures. Watch out for Venezuela and Iran.
The Mueller report will be fought over soon, to make it open to public scrutiny. How have we gotten to such a place where we accept that the government can keep “we the people” from being informed about issues that affect us and those we have voted in? We need to be enraged about that.
Again more to be in the podcast and video soon about the really difficult planetary movements for Trump and the USA coming up in 2019 and 2020.
Reason why millenials are getting such attention, is because similar to the Baby Boomers in the ’60 and ’70s, they are the voice of a better future during trying times.
Remember Boomers, how you felt our parents were square and did not know how f’d up they and their world was. Well now they feel that way about many of us.
We cannot convince them they need to be like us or how we used to be during the difficulties and glory of our young years.
Their instincts are connected to a now more toxic and corrupt America than ever before. Remember Nixon? Well take a look at Trump?
They need our guidance but not our dominance or “know-it-all” approach. By the same token, they need us to question them and put up appropropriate boundaries and “no’s”.
This world and country are in big trouble. But just like back in the day, this is a time of change and transformation and evolution.
As the aptly named Fifth Dimension sang, “This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, now closer than ever, with the same dark and light swirling all around us.
Till next week,
A new video will be out around the April 5 New Moon in Aries. Another podcast coming around April 5.
Check out the introduction to my new podcast/radio show:
Here is video from before Eclipse Season:
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