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The Dawning and Astrology Forecast August 4-10

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Eclipse Season has ended; Mercury has gone back Direct;  we have passed through a New Moon in confident Leo last week.

So now we can begin to leave behind for awhile the intense emotional feelings,  the deep emotional processing, and the family dramas. We can now begin to think about where we are at, and what directions we want to move in.

The air is getting cleaner, so to speak, so we can see more clearly what is really going on in our lives.  We are beginning to be more certain of what direction to take, what decisions to make.  Look more closely and you will see the light of hope beginning to shine.

It is getting to be time to show up, to act, to follow our hearts toward what is right for us now.

It is certainly more true than ever, however, that the old world we live in is falling apart at the seams.

Impeachment proceedings against the president of the USA  look pretty certain now.

World economies are being more stressed as renewed tariffs against China look more certain.

Trump has left the Iran peace deal orchestrated by President Obama and is bullying other nations to keep and increase sanctions against them. This affects all the Middle East, as also does the stuckness of the relationship between occupied Palestine and occupier Israel.

The USA last week left a nuclear deal with Russia that was shaped by President Obama, so the relationship with Russia is getting worse and worse.

So we now need to get it together with our personal lives, so we are better prepared to handle what is coming our way soon. And now that the Eclipses and Mercury Retrograde have passed, we are for the most part more able to move forward with more positive energy.

Remember that this falling apart in the world is meant to be, as it helps crash an old corrupt, self centered, random and meaningless, disconnected, soul dead old world.

This week begins with an intense Mars inconjunct Pluto aspect on Sunday August 4.  This opens up the energy field for powerful weather events, world conflicts, and these all too frequent mass murders in the USA.

Remember also that Mars in Leo is moving through degrees of the zodiac that will trigger the position of the Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo from August 2017.

What was happening for you that summer?  As you revisit what happened,  process and release, you can make progress in your life around those issues that came up back then.

In the greater world, look at North Korea, China, Israel, Iran, and USA for potential events.  Pakistan and India also have their natal charts triggered this month of Mars going through Leo.

Mars will be exactly triggering the 2017 Total Eclipse in Leo next week after the 11th of August.

And next week begins powerfully on Sunday the 11th as both Uranus and Jupiter change directions that day: Uranus going Retrograde and Jupiter going back Direct.  That puts the energies and meaning of those planets in the spotlight.  Uranus is liberation, revolution, and “outside the box” energies. Jupiter is expansion, upliftment, higher meaning, and resolution.

Those strong planetary turnings will open the doorway to even  more important events later that week.

That Sunday, the USA north and south nodes of the Moon are triggered, suggesting fated events may present themselves.

Also Russia and Ukraine have emphasis in their charts then. Later that week North Korea, Trump, Israel, Netanyahu, and the USA will need to be looked at for potential important events.

It is time to get real with what is happening in our world.  Those of us who experienced the ’60s and ’70s revolution and consciousness evolution see and feel many similarities between that time and now.

Just look at Trump and Nixon. Of course we are talking Impeachment, but also trash talking by both of them about other people.  Trump is more out in the open with his petty insults and hated enemies. We had to hear the infamous Nixon tapes to know about his hatreds and pettiness.

Back then there was also a culture war, as there is now. And the Nixon “silent majority” was well known for its statement of “love it or leave it” against people who protested USA involvement in the war in Viet Nam, or people who criticized the USA for its civil rights abuses at that time.

There was a big sexual revolution then also, and traditional gender identity and roles were challenged. And now LGBTQ and especially Trans movements are more powerful than ever.

People were singing and talking about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius then, and now we are closer than ever to that Age’s gateway.  People knew then, as now, that an old world needed to die so a new one could be born

New Age spiritual and astrology movements were beginning then too, and now those ideas are strong again.

What happened in the 60s and 70s opened the way for what has been revived now.

The Beatles came into people’s lives then to serve as a model for evolution of consciousness, and revolution into a new age.  The Beatles broke up in the late ’70s.

Then John Lennon was killed in December 1980,  and the lights went out for the revolution and evolution into a new age.

President Reagan was voted in a month before the Lennon killing, and we all knew what that meant.

Looking back,  that time served as a time to gain some stability, and now it is time again to rise up again and change this world.

This is not merely about a pendulum going back and forth between liberal and conservative, but more importantly is about finishing the job that was started back in the 60s/70s!

The Millennial generation shows signs it is aligned with the great changes needed in our world, as the younger generation was then.

This election is in some ways similar to 1968.  Eugene McCarthy was the hope to be president and to change the world radically.

But Hubert Humphrey was the moderate and he won the democratic primary and went on to face Richard Nixon. He lost.

Now we have moderate Joe Biden facing off against many who profess more “radical” beliefs like the Green New Deal or Universal Health Care.

So who will face Trump? Or Pence if Trump is impeached?  And will it be a moderate voice like Biden? Or does the Age of Aquarius require a more “radical” candidate like Warren, Sanders, or Gabbard?

I will be getting more serious about finding the astrological answer to that question now as we  move forward.

For now, look for important events to open up in August, events that will show us what directions our world and country are going toward.

This week and early next week have potentially very fiery planetary movements.

As I write this, I see a Mars inconjunct aspect to Pluto event just happened:  killings at a mall in El Paso.  And this is only a few days after another mass killing at a Walmart in Mississippi

Mars (god of war) and Pluto (god of the Underworld) are bringing up the shadows and s–t from the bowels of our nation.

It is time to make revolutionary changes in our country, with guns, violent video games, and ultra violent movies. This is what we are feeding our souls and the souls of our children.

It is time to transform the violent collective consciousness in our world now, and that begins with each of us.

It is time to open our minds and hearts to the peace and love of an Age of Aquarius. If that sounds corny or too dreamy to you, perhaps you have entered the non magical land of Cynical. 

Till next week,


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Please check out my website and see some old forecast videos and podcasts.

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