By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This week shows signs of a decided downturn with a growing need to feel safe, nurtured, at home, and peaceful.
The Moon in Cancer helps us to feel that way, especially so since that Moon in Cancer shows us the beginning of the last quarter of this current lunar cycle, which effectively ends on October 27 at the New Moon in Scorpio.
This current cycle began at the New Moon in Libra on September 28, merely a week after Autumn Equinox, which is symbolic for a setting Sun in a darkening landscape.
And as we enter this 4th quarter of the waning, darkening Moon, we are energetically preparing ourselves for the Sun entering Scorpio on October 23, then waiting for the Moon to join that Sun in a New Moon in Scorpio on October 27 at 11:39 PM EDT
The sign Scorpio is “ruled” by Pluto, guardian of the underworld. So our experience deepens this week, opening doors into more intense feelings and emotions.
The Sun has been in Libra for the last month, and as such put us on a plateau of relative peace and contentment.
And some of you must be snickering at the phrase “peace and contentment” describing recent times. In contrast to what is coming, it was.
Since Saturn is right now widely conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, there is no escaping the feelings of sadness, grief, and/or fear for our world and our lives.
Those feelings will deepen even more starting this week, as we wait for a quite powerful exact conjunction of Saturn and Pluto happening along with Winter Eclipse Season (2019/20 this coming December and January.
Our world is in turmoil now, and we are looking for signs of clarity and direction to light the path in front of us.
Impeachment inquiries are happening already, with more intense and dramatic moments ahead of us.
Remember it is the Military/Economic Empire that “rules the world” as major transformation to it is meant to happen.
So cracks in its foundation show themselves through difficulties with the economy, police, and military of the USA.
The Commander in Chief resides in his own little Walter Middy world, starring in his made up movie, where he is always right and heroic.
Unfortunately that “make believe” world clashes with the “real” and dangerous world all around us now.
Yet we know his presidency was meant to be, as we now see a new world developing that can give us hope.
That new world can take its first baby steps into the Age of Aquarius after the Presidential Election in November 2020.
In December 2020 Saturn makes exact conjunction with Jupiter at 0+ degrees of Aquarius, evidently symbolic of a New Age.
Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions bring us a 20 year cycle that is based on socio-cultural changes for that time period.
Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions can initiate extremely important time periods.
Every time there was a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the past, the USA president at the time died while still in office.
Check out Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy, etc.
The “spell” broke in 1981 when Reagan was shot but lived through it. Jupiter/Saturn made conjunction in 1980/81.
Then Bush was president at the next Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Taurus in 2000/2001. No death or almost death, but 9-11 happened during Bush’s first year in office.
So we can expect vitally important events after the next Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on December 21, the day of the Winter Solstice.
So hang in there this approximate year before the Election and Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.
We need to clear up and clean out the old paradigm and its leaders. If cleaning out that world and its leaders is not done with a sense of finality, we still remain, in our consciousness, in that old world. Fearing it or hating it keeps it alive.
It is what they represent that we are clearing out, so “we the people” can begin to take responsibility and stewardship of our world and lives.
The Age of Aquarius brings group consciousness to the forefront. Kings, queens, dictators, emperors do not fit in. And the current USA president has man crushes on all the dictator/strong men of our world, like Putin.
He must be the reincarnation of King George, who was the ‘mentally touched” British king during the USA revolutionary war that paved the way for the new world of United States of America.
Maybe George is giving it another try. He will lose again.
But more important is our return to our “better angel” values, and deep connecting with the values of the new paradigm of the Age of Aquarius.
“Skies” darken more this week for the old world energies and values. Let it go, especially inside your self.
The Scorpio New Moon on the 27th brings a coming out of more primal energies, and a letting go of Libra politeness and nicety.
This is good for sex and eating and bringing back previously suppressed passions. But it is not so good at keeping the peace. Scorpio does hold back sometimes, but when it opens back up can be ferocious.
This is usually a good time for processing deep seated concerns. If you keep it bottled up for too long, it hurts your body, and builds up more and more resentment.
Scorpio time is also a good time for purging most anything. Keep in mind that some of these emotions may be filled with much venom. Jealousy, rage, betrayals, and other such emotions can be felt and expressed now. Did I say sex can be great now too?
So this week brings us the beginning of the last quarter of the Moon’s phase on Monday the 21st.
Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces that day also, which shows up as a woman in her sexual power, one who can also open into the many facets and faces of the Goddess. Take in the mystery surrounding her presence.
Then the Sun goes into its month long stay in Scorpio, as we let in more darkness. Darkness can feel very safe sometimes, like being in a dark room alone or meditating into a deep space.
Then on Friday the 25th that same Scorpio Venus Goddess meets up in sextile with Pluto in Scorpio. The guardian of the underworld and Venus together can bring a deep understanding of how the current world and its leaders owe some karmic payments.
Then on Sunday the 27th is a New Moon in Scorpio. This New Moon brings us the intensity and passion we need now in order to lock into the focused energies we need. Superficial play time is over.
Remember that Saturn and Pluto are headed for their powerful exact conjunction in January 2020, which will be a year to be long remembered.
Till next week,
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