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Time to Move Forward and Astrology Forecast April 15-21.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

The Yod “finger of god” formation with the USA Mars was exact Saturday morning April 14 at 5:58 AM EDT when Jupiter was sextile with Pluto.

8 or 9 hours prior to that formation France, USA, and Britain starting dropping bombs on Syria.   As we have stated before, that Yod formation brings with it a turning point for military affairs in the USA.

The finger has pointed toward military invasion and that does not bode well for peace in the Middle East.

The Middle East is where the first known civilizations were born: in Sumeria, Egypt, Babylonia.

And that  is where we need the healing now on our way to the New Communities of the Age of Aquarius.

We must purge ourselves of old “eye for an eye” “dog eat dog” mentality. That old paradigm has brought us Weapons of Mass Destruction including chemical weapons, but also nuclear weapons, which wiped out at least 200,000 Japanese at the end of WWII.

It is a Paradigm which must end, and that paradigm is not embodied by just one man or one country.  And using violence to stop violence is so ridiculous it does not need explanation.

So now after this Yod, we have another powerful turning point on Sunday April 15.  That day there is a New Moon in Aries which is closely conjunct Uranus and more widely square Pluto in Capricorn. 

This a launching pad for the New Chapter of life, propelling us much further forward over land we will not see again.

We have been releasing old stories and tapes in our minds and souls, and said releasing has been super deep and rapid at times.

Now we move forward whether we are ready or not.  Do you want to truly move into a new world for your consciousness and self, or do you want to be held back by heavy baggage that will stop you from moving on.

That does mean every shred of baggage must be released now, but it does mean making a strong and deep commitment to the New Chapter with no turning back to be in the “old normal” of the Old Chapter.

You can no longer go back to “normal”.

In the greater world collective we are all a part of, changes have been happening so rapidly it is difficult to hold steady sometimes.  And that will not stop any time soon.

We are in the middle of great world transformation, and we cannot make anything great again, like America,  as it was in the past.

We are creating a New America and New World, and we are getting clear messages now of what needs to end and be released.

And of course there is much resistance from the guardians of the old world, people who have held privilege in that old paradigm.  Those days are gone now, but many hold on with life support systems that barely keep their souls alive.

So the Portal opens on April 15 with the New Moon in Aries in aspect to 2 powerful transformational planets: Uranus and Pluto. That New Moon is at 9:57 PM EDT

But even earlier on the 15th, at 5:21 AM EDT, Mercury turns toward more clarity as it goes Direct again.

So this weekend is a weekend of transition, an important transition.

We begin to leave the darkness and enter more light at the Moon’s sliver of light on the 16th or 17th.  And Mercury will not get back to speed and full clarity for at least another week.

But you can feel the shift now, and yet many events will not show for another month or two.

Then in July/August another Eclipse Season and accelerated transformation again.

But this week is the shift with the Grand Opening on Sunday.

Then on the 17th/18th, Saturn changes directions from Direct to Retrograde.  Its gravitational pull will be stronger, and we should experience the signs that show us there is no room for evasion or escape.  The path is ready for us to walk down.

Saturn can feel like fate when it is strong as it is now, and there may be a sense that some things are meant to happen now, and some things are meant to end now.

But since Saturn is starting to go retrograde now, until September 6 when it goes back Direct, some endings may take awhile to be sure of.  

Around the same time on the 18th, the Sun will conjunct Uranus exactly, triggering the forward movement of the New Moon in Aries that just happened.

Sun conjunct Uranus breaks us out of whatever boxes we are stuck in and liberates us.

It shows rapid change for moving forward.   So we have the seemingly mixed messages of a Saturn stop sign and a Uranus go sign.

So use Saturn to stop whatever or whoever keeps you chained to the past and the baggage of old ways.  The most likely culprit of old ways is inside your own self.

And at the same time take a leap off the Uranus bridge into greater freedom and new horizons.  It is time to be true to your authentic self and move forward with utmost integrity.

On the 19th another shift occurs as the Sun moves into fixed earth Taurus for a month.  Some of the recent intensity will rest into a more solid place.

You can begin to make more practical sense of what has been happening.  You can also begin to manifest what has previously just been an idea.  New beginnings can be more stabilized and strongly set in a real way.

Most importantly now, do not be mesmerized into believing the old stories of monster dictators and evil countries with weapons of mass destruction who must be destroyed to save the world. Remember Saddam and Iraq?

This is what has been used against the masses for centuries to keep the herd under  control by contrived patriotism.

Also be aware of ‘wag the dog” calls for patriotism, so the herd can be distracted from the sins of their leaders. As the Mueller investigation intensifies, distractions are more likely.

It is certainly not uncommon for leaders to distract through conflicts and wars.  This has happened time and again through the centuries.

If you are drawn into those old dramas, it will keep you out of the new paradigm of love and truth that is setting us free.

Do your best not to despair no matter what happens.  All happening with greater meaning as we are shifting and transforming our consciousness into the New Paradigm.

Fear will try to keep you chained in the old consciousness and old ways. Love is knowing all is happening for a reason, and to challenge us to get more certain with our new self and new world.

The transformational process often takes us through dark passages before we awake in the renewed light.  Faith will help your passage, as it will keep even a faint night light on during our dark nights of the soul.

And now the light of a new day dawns with the New Moon in Aries. Yes there are still dark shadow clouds of old ways that may be hovering, but we are nevertheless now ready to move forward!!

Till next week,


Here is the Forecast video for 2018 and the Eclipse Season:

A podcast will be broadcast soon, and then hopefully a radio show podcast sometime later.

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