by Leo Knighton Tallarico
This coming week brings changing planetary patterns that will shift the energy field for us.
Last week was difficult for many during the last quarter Moon phase, as the Moon wanes and then goes dark.
Many people felt down and felt like their lives were stuck and not moving forward.
The lunar cycle is often compared to a woman’s cycle as they are both around 28-29 days in length. The time before her New Moon, so to speak, can also be rather difficult at times.
On Sunday night May 17, overnight into Monday the 18th, there will be an end to the last quarter darkness- at the New Moon.
There will be a New Moon in Taurus at 12:13 AM EDT May 18. In reality the darkness does not truly end right at the New Moon. The Moon will not usually show a lighted sliver until the second night after the New Moon.
So either on Monday the 18th or Tuesday the 19th we will see some light again.
Of course some people are more sensitive to lunar phases than others. But nevertheless, it is a great time generally speaking to meditate and make intention during the dark Moon.
That period will likely be Saturday through Monday. Being in the “void” of your consciousness is a positive and aligned way to experience the dark Moon, and in fact a good way to experience much of the last quarter Moon phase.
This New Moon will continue themes that have already begun since the Sun moved into Taurus on April 20.
At a New Moon, the Moon joins the Sun in conjunction. In this case the Moon and Sun will join together at almost 27 degrees of Taurus.
Taurus themes get even stronger, so body and physical issues predominate. Nature, home, physical resources like land and money are important. That which was initiated recently can be felt at a more “grounded” level, and the more practical understandings will be emphasized.
To go along with the more earthy energies of Taurus, there will be a more mental focus as Mercury goes Retrograde several hours later on Monday the 18th.
Mercury goes Retrograde in mentally fast paced Gemini at 9:49 PM that night. So from then until June 11, when it goes back direct, our mental perceptions will be shifting to rewind, remember, reflect, rewire, reintegrate, and realign.
It is usually not a good time to make major decisions or sign important contracts as so much is shifting mentally during Mercury Retrograde.
Communication issues can also be brought into the spotlight during Mercury Retrograde, which sometimes includes usually minor problems with communication equipment or devices.
People or memories from the past often come back into lives either through dream or waking memories during Mercury Retrograde. Yet also sometimes people from our past will actually “in the flesh” be seen again. We need during these times of revisiting to remember past times and to reintegrate that which we have put aside in our consciousness and life.
During Mercury Retrograde we often are forced to rethink some decision or direction we have previously chosen for our lives. If this happens, it is best if at all possible to wait until after Mercury goes back Direct before making an absolute decision to change directions.
In the greater world, watch for people to begin to change their minds about previously decided issues. Watch to see if the potential nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers will be reconsidered and maybe even fall apart. Other world issues may suddenly also shift direction because new events will change and alter the previous perspective.
To add to these planetary changing winds, we will also experience this week the Sun moving into Gemini as well as Venus in Cancer triggering the Uranus/Pluto square, which is still very much in effect.
The Uranus/Pluto square will not be exact again, but nevertheless they will stay closely square for several more months. So you can expect much more transformational change in our personal and global lives.
As Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto on Thursday May 21, our emotions and relationships will likely be more volatile than usual. There is potential, however, for breakthroughs and healings as well this week and into next week.
The Sun goes into Gemini on May 21 also, so there will be more motivation to vary your interests, to take classes, to be more social, to be more in your head. The nervous system also speeds up with the Sun in Gemini.
There still is much world change ahead as we move toward the eclipses late Summer and Autumn.
And before that important Eclipse Season, there will be a big turning point for world events in late July and early August.
The natal charts of the USA and Israel will be triggered then and throughout the rest of the year. The Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014, when the USA natal Sun and Saturn were closely impacted, is being affected by Pluto’s movement this year.
There is still much transformation ahead for the USA as we move toward a more equal status with peoples all over the Earth global community. Diversity in Unity is forming at a “cellular” level now, to be manifested in reality in the 2020s.
There is danger before that, however, of more militarily hawkish leaders to take over governments, including our own. President Obama, though not as peaceful as his Nobel Prize suggests, is at least showing the way to more peace and equality with the Iran peace process, inclusion of Cuba, and moves away from Israel’s domination of our foreign policy and of the Palestinians.
And Pope Francis is another breath of fresh air as he has gone further then any Pope in my memory for freedom for Palestinians, concern for people who suffer, and even some empathy for the LGBT community.
He and President Obama have crossed old lines of limitation that were created by a wealthy and corrupt Vatican and a dominating Military/Industrial complex. I believe they have both taken chances with their lives in the process. They may be a model for others to follow even after they are gone from the world stage, as there are more difficult times ahead.
In America, almost all of the Presidential candidates in both parties are very militaristic and beholden to special interest money.
And a look at the world shows there is much movement in Europe, Russia and elsewhere toward more nationalism. Europe is having immigration challenges and economic challenges and hence turning much more to the “right”.
Nationalism always rears its ugly head before major conflicts in the world, but no matter what happens in the short term, there are plenty of signs the overall movement is toward a healthier, more inclusive and equal world community.
People are waking up all over the world, especially so our young people.
I saw a young woman on TV challenging Jeb Bush about Iraq. She was confident and strong in telling him his brother Bush invaded Iraq without cause and that that was the reason for the birth of ISIS.
There is a revolution building, even as there is a movement toward protecting the systems of the world that oppress so many people.
Uranus/Pluto is symbolic of this revolutionary and evolutionary movement, just as it was in the ’60s.
The “Times They are a Changin” again, so get used to leaving old comfort zones. There is no going back to the old normal. Get used to people, especially young people who will be making gender and sexual roles more fuzzy than ever.
Consciousness changes are necessary if the world is to change.
If you were a member of the ’60s and ’70s transformational times or even those who were born somewhat afterward, remember where you came from.
As you see your kids with tattoos or sexual identity issues or anger toward our world and its governments and corporations re-member. Remember how your parents were. You may try to convince yourself that this is different, but in essence it is the same.
Young people are beginning to stand up strong again and are fed up with how this world runs. Revolution and evolution are growing energies again. The young people now will make their changes in their way, not the same way we did when we were younger.
Guide those children, but do not judge or dominate. You will lose them.
We need each other in our journey toward an Age of Aquarius.
Till next week,
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Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.