By Leo Knighton Tallarico
A very powerful Autumn Equinox passage is two weeks away, on Sunday September 22. Pluto will be changing directions and making sextile to Saturn right before the Equinox. Pluto mythologically is the guardian of the Hades underworld. Saturn is the the force of gravity.
Those strong pulls downward limit our desires and abilities to expand and fly as free spirits. They will be a part of the signature for our Autumn season 2013.
For now, on a greater world basis, the drama around Syria and the Middle East is building. Deeper and heavier planetary formations begin to blow in this week with Mars in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio on Monday, Venus in Scorpio on Wednesday, and Mars quincunx Pluto on Wednesday also.
President Obama makes his case for starting war in Syria with the American people and Congress during those aspects this week. Mars in Leo represents the desire for action, and Saturn in square to that Mars represents the opposition to that desire. And remember that Obama is a Sun in Leo, so you can expect a strong opposition to his desire for taking action in Syria.
The Venus in Scorpio and Mars quincunx Pluto show a strong possibility that energies will move more toward conflict later in the week.
That brings up the question of how much is meant to be and how much we can choose and determine.
Having the ability to choose our destiny is an important part of being a human, and a large part of what it is to be an American. Humans used to believe they were controlled by the planets, that they met their fate in the mirror of the planetary movements.
But now humans are more empowered and confident they can control their fate and control nature as well.
The best way to look at the planetary movements is like a “weather report”. There are certain natural waves of energy moving into our world that predispose us to experience certain events, feeling certain feelings, and taking certain actions. But within and from those weather patterns, we make choices and pick directions; and those choices then have influence on how future planetary formations will manifest.
So let’s look at the coming September aspects, and even more so the Autumn Eclipses, Comet Ison and Uranus square Pluto aspects as a building of a “storm” coming our way in the form of world events.
Is a war on Syria inevitable? Is a strong downturn of the economy inevitable? That combination would be a “perfect storm” of world events.
If one was looking at the coming astrological aspects years ahead of time, one would know, with the changing of ages and Uranus square Pluto 2012-2016, that much turmoil of transformation would be needed in order for necessary huge transformation to erupt in our world.
But the details would be fuzzy so far ahead of time. But only months ahead of time, Syria and the economy have shown promise of being the triggers for major change in our world.
Major change is inevitable. That is part of changing ages and paradigms, and it is obvious how much needs to change to bring an Age of Aquarius and its values of liberation, power to the people, equality, and Diversity in Unity.
But is war with Syria inevitable, and is it inevitable that it will expand into a regional and world war?
It does seem now that most of the world’s citizens are against this war, so maybe that is a strong enough energy field and human voice to hold back the tide of many world leaders who are determined to instigate this war?
Some tides are already in motion and nothing can stop the wave. This one appears to be that way, but I do not know for sure. One thing I do know is that if most of the people in this country and world stay strong in their opposition to this war, that that will be the turning point of transformation into the Aquarian Age.
But how much do we still bow to the king? Will President Obama persuade the people in a speech Tuesday night that war is “right” and to be patriotic? Will he also persuade Congress that they need to be supportive of this war?
Even if Pandora’s box opens into full out world war and economic downturn, “we the people” should know we cannot let the old world and paradigm to continue any longer. The need to change the world paradigm will become more urgent. Old world ways and new world ways will not have much middle ground anymore.
Humans are getting stronger and stronger, wiser and wiser all the time, all over the world. The information revolution, with the internet showing the way, with social media bringing us all together, empowers “we the people” in ways never before seen.
The Arab Spring showed us this power.
But of course the old world of separation, domination, “dog eat dog” survival of the fittest paradigm, still has much control of our collective consciousness and world. Look at Egypt to see how the military has at least temporarily taken control again of that country.
The Military and Economic might of that old world is immense.
But the power of the Universe and the consciousness and will of individual people in community will continue to get stronger.
But old world powers will resist this change with their might. Remember last week when they passed a new law potentially limiting our ability to protest? Is that not curious when seen in the light of a coming war the people are not in favor of?
Will Obama persuade the people and Congress to go to war? And if not will the Empire decide to do it anyway?
You can see how this very powerful Autumn Eclipse Season is already beginning to form and how important it will be for our world and human family.
In your personal life this week, the Mars square Saturn aspect suggests that pushing too hard for any agenda will inspire strong opposition. Someone may be pushing you or you may be pushing someone else in a “tug-of-war”. Listen to what someone really wants, not what they are showing. And if you want something really badly, go inside your self to see what that is all about. Are you respecting someone else’s boundaries.
Venus in Scorpio in the middle of the week suggests relationships need to stop pushing issues “under the rug” of suppression, and instead work things out from a deeper emotional place. Venus will stay in Scorpio until October 7.
The Sun is still in Virgo until the Autumn Equinox on September 22, so there is still much emphasis on working out details, putting things in order, getting back to work, fixing what needs to be fixed, simplifying our lives, and being more grateful and humble.
I will be taking a vacation and not writing next Saturday, but will be bringing in the Autumn Equinox with you the next Saturday. Please keep in mind that the days leading up to the Equinox that week should be very intense and emotional, as there is a Full Moon in Pisces, as Pluto changes to Direct motion while it sextiles Saturn.
I will be doing a Youtube video forecast for the Autumn Eclipse Season on September 26, which you can see on Saturday the 28th of September.
See you in two weeks again,
You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info.
There is an old YOUTUBE video Astrology Forecast for Spring Eclipse Season. Check it out if you feel so moved.
I also created an Astrology Forecast 2013 for youtube, part 1. And Part 2.
There will be a new Youtube video coming out within the next few weeks. I will keep you posted.
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.
Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years