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Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon and Astrology Forecast March 29- April 4

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

The giant portal that has been opening this early spring of 2015 will open more fully this week.  This happens as we approach the second and last eclipse of the season: A Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries/Libra.

This eclipse is on Saturday April 4 at 8:06 AM EDT.  It falls right in between two Christian holy days: Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Good Friday is symbolically understood as when Jesus died on the cross; and Easter Sunday when he arose from the dead.

Most of Australia, the Far East, Hawaii and Alaska, Australia, and the west coast of the USA will see most of the eclipse.  The midwest and especially the east coast USA will see very little of the eclipse process.

This Lunar Eclipse will be quite powerful as it includes the Uranus/Pluto square.  Uranus will be conjunct the Sun in Aries and opposite the Moon, while Pluto will square both the Sun and Moon.  This is happening just after the March 16 exact square of Uranus and Pluto, their last such meeting of 7 passes- which started in 2012.

This Total Eclipse forms a Cardinal T-Square formation with Uranus and Pluto, a formation which is almost as powerful as last year’s Cardinal Grand Cross.

As was true with the Cardinal Grand Cross last year, this T-square formed with Uranus and Pluto will make close aspect with the USA natal chart of July 4, 1776. The USA Sun and especially Saturn are being aspected again.

So that means this Lunar Eclipse formation will symbolize the huge transformation the USA is going through over the 18 months from April 2014 to October 2015. Events surrounding this eclipse may feel fated.

You can expect much change in the world and especially the USA now and for the next 6 months and beyond.

It is no mere coincidence that the Middle East and North Africa are bringing us so many important events now, like the Israeli election, the nuclear Iran talks coming to a climax, and the bombings and turmoil in Yemen.

The balance of power in the world has been shifting, and now as we come through this portal opening this spring, there will be a spike in the speed of this transformation.

The natal charts of Israel, Iran, and Syria are also being touched off this spring 2015, so we can expect much more turmoil and conflict to erupt in the Middle East in order to assist the process of breaking down the barriers that hold back the light that is wanting to burst through.

The Old World’s paradigm is held very strongly in the Middle East, so much needs to be broken down so healing and transformation have a chance there.

It is the Military/Economic complex that runs so much of our world, so we can over the next several months expect breakdowns of the economic and military structures that hold up the old world and its paradigm.

Chaos will certainly become more prevalent during the transformation, but so also will bullying attempts to keep the old order intact.

This Aries/Libra lunation signifies a split between conflict (Aries) and peace (Libra); doing it how I see fit (Aries) and giving in to what others want (Libra); courage to stand up for myself (Aries) or doing what is best for the relationship (Libra).

You will see these themes play out in the world and in personal lives.

In any healthy relationship both Aries and Libra needs are met.  Aries is ruled by Mars and Libra ruled by Venus, so male and female need to be integrated as well.

In a healthy relationship there is a balance between independence and togetherness. If there is too much independence there is little intimacy and togetherness. If there is too much togetherness there is greater chance for co-dependence and losing one’s true self.

Remember that this Total Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon, but it is Full Moon with much more energy. Many of you really feel Full Moon’s and are greatly affected by them, as are hospitals, police stations and the ocean’s tides.

So expect even greater shakeup than the usual Full Moon, as we get closer and closer to the actual event on Saturday April 4 at 8:06 AM EDT.

Relationships are most affected now, whether those are romantic or family or friend or between countries.

Though there may be more conflict or reopening of old wounds, there is also more opportunity for breakthroughs, for healings, for improving or transforming old patterns that have kept you stuck in unsatisfying relationship dynamics.

it is a good time to talk things through, to empower yourself and speak your mind.  But it is also a good time to truly listen, to put yourself in the other person’s shoes so you can better understand their position.

Also watch closely as the nuclear talks with Iran take shape this week.  How these talks evolve will be so important for the Middle East and actually the whole world as a result.   There are Shia/Sunni conflicts getting more deadly; Muslim/Judeo Christian divisions; Israeli/Palestinian disagreements; western world/Russian and Chinese differences that the Middle East rests upon.

And all of these are essential ingredients in the makeup of the Diversity within Unity Aquarian Age we are moving into.

Eventually we will need for there to be a sense of oneness, of one human family with many different members trying to find agreement.

And just like in a healthy family, though there is disagreement and sometimes even horrendous fights,  there is no disowning or making an enemy of a family member.

Once we understand we are all in this together, then we will let go of weapons of mass destruction and demonizing of other religions, cultures, races, or nations.

We have a long way to go.

And in relation to our Aries/Libra Lunar Eclipse Full Moon, there is need to not demonize men or women, to make one the good guys and the other the bad guys.

All opposites are meant to be a part of wholeness and unity, just as the Yin/Yang symbol shows opposites within a circle of unity- differences that complement one another not destroy one another.

Remember that whomever you have been brought together with in relationship is for the purpose of learning more about your self and your self in relationship- no demonizing is appropriate.  If someone is abusing you or treating you badly, you may be learning to empower your self or build better boundaries.  Deciding whether to let the person go or to work out your common issues together- is on a deeper level symbolic of your evolution as a human in relationships.

See you next week,


I have created a new YouTube presentation for the Spring Portal.

You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find my services on my website  You can sign up for our newsletter there.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.

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