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USA Transformation and Astrology Forecast November 6-12

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

This week brings us to a most powerful climax of an election process that has been so ugly and totally negative.

Our two main presidential candidates have spent little time showing how they would improve the country and its people’s lives.

Instead they have spent a vast majority of time ripping each other apart, and spreading information about one another that tends to demonize their opponent.

The United States is in a serious downturn in its process of transformation.

Over the last few years Uranus and Pluto have been making aspects to the USA natal Sun and Saturn.

In the USA natal chart from July 4 1776, they have the Sun in Cancer square to Saturn in Libra.  Uranus by transit has been squaring that Sun and opposing Saturn. Pluto has been opposing the Sun and squaring Saturn.

So deep and powerful transformation has been happening for the USA and its citizens.

The Sun in Cancer represents the liberal voice in America and the Saturn in Libra represents the conservative voice in America.

In the process of transforming those voices, we have been taken to the most negative and destructive aspect of those voices.

Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump show us what has happened to those values through the Democrat and Republican parties.

The “system” that has been created over the years has been corrupted and dominated by special interests, large government,  large corporations, and large military.

Interests that are not aligned with “of the people, by the people, and for the people” have taken over both parties.

And in the process each party has learned how to make enemy of the other party instead of working together for the betterment of the country and its people.

That is the bad news. The good news is that this very negative reality is part of the process of transformation.

We are not seeing much light at the end of the tunnel right now, but that will change through time as we move into the Age of Aquarius.

In the meantime it is incumbent on each one of us to transform within our own consciousness.

Stop demonizing what is different than what you are or what you believe in.

Transform the fear and find what is clear and true in your mind.  Transform the hatred and find the love and empathy in your heart.

Elections are not meant to be wars.  They are meant to be debates on what we want for our country and our lives.

Let go the wild west ideas of bad guys and good guys.   We all have dark and light inside us and how we work with that dicotomy is what is important.

Do we strive for what is best for each of us and for all of us?  Do we realize that “the other” is not wrong but has a different way of looking at things?

Conservatives by nature want to keep everything connected to tradition and how it has  been or used to be- in their minds.

Progressives by nature want to move toward new ways that are better- in their minds.

But since both those ways of being have been in the process of decay and ultimately transformation, they are no longer as pure or the same as they used to be in their expression.

The Green Party represents the more pure voice of progressive and liberal;  while the Libertarian Party more closely represents the more pure and traditional voice of Conservative.

But of course neither of them will win this election. We are faced with either Clinton or Trump.

Whoever wins the election (Clinton or Trump) will be giving us what we need at a deeper level no matter how it looks or plays out.

No matter who wins, we nevertheless need to release and clear the space from the old ways.  And we may need those old ways thrown into our faces before we can release them  and let go of them forever.

As we release, we will have the opening we need to embrace new ways that are healthier, more authentic and better for our world.

Go back to old times in your own life and remember how rough times in relationship or family or career came first before you could let go of negative and self defeating patterns.

Then what came next in your life was an improvement, and at the least a better fit for you.

The process of transformation can be so difficult and painful sometimes, but as one connects with the meaning and magic of the Universe and the authenticity of how we were each created, the light shines more brightly.

So do not let yourself get too down or too excited by the election results. Either way we have some great and difficult challenges ahead, as well as deeper connections to the Universe and our true Soul selves.

Don’t let the media’s paradigm cloud your ability to see for your self.  Don’t let the uniform of either party claim your mind and heart and take you away from the Truth and Love that is always accessible to you.

This week brings us to the 2nd quarter Moon in Aquarius on Monday November 7. An intense Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto will erupt that day also.  Will be an intense time period.

On Election Day the Moon will shift at midday from Aquarius to Pisces  potentially bringing more fogginess and confusion later when voting or getting results.

Mars leaves rule oriented Capricorn and enters indidualistic Aquarius overnight from the 8th to the 9th of November. It will stay in Aquarius until it enters Pisces on December 18.

Mars in Aquarius can be a time to accept your differences and uniqueness, while finding people or groups you feel more aligned with.

As the Moon stays in Pisces on Wednesday the 9th and most of Thursday the 10th, you are best to let go, surrender and be open to deeper healing.  Quiet and meditation are best.

As the Moon goes into Aries on the 11th and 12th, it is time to get back up and get back more fully into life.

Venus leaves uplifted and adventuresome Sagittarius on November 11/12 as it then enters more grounded and stable Capricorn.  Venus represents our heart and its relationshp needs, so it is time to get more serious about relationship, more disciplined and real.  Venus stays in Capricorn until December 8 when it enters Aquarius.

When I next write my forecast we will finally be on the other side of the election.

Many people will then be more than ready to immerse themselves in holiday season.

We will meet again next week,


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