By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Winds shift this week as we come to a New Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday November 11.
This past week has been very difficult for many people. As we explained last week, the prepoderance of planets in yin signs Virgo or Scorpio during a last quarter lunar cycle promises “down” times.
It was difficult to see the glass as half full this past week, and many suffered facing their worst fears for one reason or another.
But this time has been necessary to go deeper into our souls and bodies, so we can be more real and can be more able for releasing old fears, old patterns of thought and behavior, and toxic emotions that hurt our bodies and souls.
This whole year has been a challenging one, one of great transformation on the route to the Age of Aquarius.
A portal was opened in both the spring and autumn of 2015, a portal that let in new energies aligned with the new age we are moving into.
Many more people have been awkened spiritually this past year. Many people are seeing more clearly the true condition of our world. As such, huge crowds have come to see Bernie Sander’s messages of needed economic equality.
This past week also saw thousands of people join a million man mask rally in London. This rally was to show how capitalism in its current form is rewarding relatively few people, while the vast majority on the Earth struggle to survive.
This past week also showed how dangerous the Islamic State is becoming, as it very likely caused a commercial airline bound for Russsia to explode in mid air. Russia has recently been bombing in Syria against the Islamic State. This turn of events will bring much change and more grave events into the global world.
And in Israel, there are more and more attacks from Palestinians who are enraged about the long time occupation of their people by Israel.
We also see more and more mass killings in America at schools and malls and other common meeting places for humanity.
And our government is more and more dominated by outside interests, most especially by big corporate interests.
Power to the people to run our world has been largely vanquished by Big Corporate and Big Government interests.
Yet so many people now are waking up and seeing the light. Their seeing the light is motivating them to open their minds and hearts to new ways.
In so doing they are spiritually transforming and their now opened hearts seek to enter new pathways of Love and Truth.
Is it not readily apparent now that our current world structure and paradigm has failed and that we need new ways of living on this Earth together as one family, a diverse one but neverthelesss all One Family? Hateful divisions by religion or nation or cultural differences or sexual orientation are ridiculous and are the root of so many ills in our world!
We will need to band together in order to transform our human condition, heal our Earth and its environment, and spiritually connect to the greater meaning in our Universe and to our abused collective Soul.
Our collective Higher Self or Soul has been dominated in consciousness by our collective Ego, an ego that strives and thrives on separation, greed, power, and cynicism.
But since the Eclipse Seasons this year, even as life at times seems much more difficult, we are waking up in all new ways, and even more importantly wanting to make important changes that reconnect us to our better values and to our souls and the Universe.
Now this coming week shifts us out of the recent emotional funk and will bring us more energy and a greater ability to see the glass of our lives as half full again.
It starts on Sunday as Venus moves out of Virgo and into Libra as we get closer to the New Moon in Scorpio. But keep in mind that we will still be in last quarter of the lunar cycle until Wednesday.
Please do not let yourself believe that the “negativity” you have been feeling and thinking lately is the ultimate truth. Let time pass before jumping to any conclusion. Energies have been coloring our thinking and feelings to be more “negative” lately.
Keep up your meditations and spiritual practices, keep releasing and purging old ways, and realize that “this too shall pass”.
On Wednesday 11/11 there will be a New Moon in Scorpio at 12:47 PM EST. The good news of this new moon is that you will begin to have more energy and more motivation to do things and to move forward in your life.
But also remember that this Scorpio energy may tend to lure you into power struggles with others. Do your best to avoid such conflict if you can. At the same time give your best to stay empowed and to speak your truth. Just avoid the ego’s need to dominate someone else and to crush them.
Scorpio at its best gives us positive primal energy and “gut” wisdom, passion, and empowerment. At its worst it brings us toxic resentments, jealousies, and desires for revenge. At the same time do not be afraid to feel such emotions as they may be pent up feelings from holding back your truth and power time and time again.
Just do not feed these emotions, be careful not to express them in ways you will regret later, and certainly do not act on them.
At the same time there may be a catharsis and healing with others as you both express what has been bothering you, perhaps even bothering you for a long time.
This New Moon in Scorpio may open up the gates of hell in the greater world and bring more horrific world events that continue to bring down an old paradigm and awaken more people to the need for great change in our world.
If such events do occur, keep your attention on your personal consciousness and life, on your spritual transformation and on your commitment to your Higher Self. Keep your attention on the New World that is developing parallel to the breaking down of the old world.
Work to bring into your life relationships that show you the love and truth of this world and Universe. To help in that Mars joins Venus in Libra Thursday to prompt us to make relationship.
It is easy now, with all the troubles in the world, to get into a mind frame that wonders how can there be a God or Goddess or Universe that is loving when there are so many bad things going in the world.
Well we humans have been given this beautiful “park” called the Earth, and what we have done with it is on us, not God.
But now we have the opportunity, as the Ages are changing, to evolve to a whole new level of human. The examples of Christ or Buddha or Mohammed or King or Ghandi or Mother Teresa or Guevara or Moses, etc are part of our collective human Higher Self.
We each need to embody the consciousness they represent. In an Aquarian Age there is no need to worship other humans or to wait for saviors as was common in the Age of Pisces.
“We are the ones we have been waiting for”, we are our own saviors now and must take responsibility to make this world a better place for all the human family.
Till next week,
You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..
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Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.