By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This week is round 2 of eclipses, a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo/Pisces on Friday September 16 at 3:05 PM EDT.
That means that intensity will build this coming week appreciably until it climaxes on or around the 16th.
Since Mercury also stays Retrograde all this week, it may at times feel quite off balance emotionally and mentally.
The more one energetically rides the waves, the better. If one holds too tightly and tries to control too much it will be more difficult this week.
Adding to the intensity of the eclipse, Mars in Sagittarius will square the points of the Sun and Moon positions of the eclipse.
That makes a T-square formation, a usually difficult pulling in 3 different directions energetically.
Sun in Virgo pulls toward physical order, logical analysis, and perfecting or fixing; Moon in Pisces wants to be able to let go and surrender, allow the soul to speak its truth, and to go with the flow. Both seek to be of service to others or to something greater than the self.
Mars in Sagittarius wants to stoke the fires of enthusiasm and inspiration, take the exciting adventure, and trust inspiration. Virgo moves downward, Pisces moves inward, Sagittarius moves upward. Virgo is earth, Pisces is water, Sagittarius is fire.
If you try too hard to figure everything out this week, you will likely be frustrated. If you encounter challenges or difficulties, it will be best to let the process unfold without needing to totally understand everything or to force conclusions or answers.
Remember that Mercury is Retrograde and as such it requires letting go of mental controls, and instead to trust other ways of comprehension like intuition or imagination.
You may be rewinding the clock of your life now, revisiting with people from your past through dreams, memories or actual in-person connections.
This may bring up unresolved issues, issues you have put aside and thought were resolved well enough.
Current situations in your life can be seen as similar to the ones that are coming back to you from the past.
You thus have the opportunity to work through blocks or dysfunctional patterns in your life or relationships. The past only needs to come back so it can be applied to current issues that need resolution or healing. Or perhaps it is back so you find closure to the old issues, so you can move on in your life or relationships.
If you are feeling hurt beyond what seems “logical”, then you know it is an old wound or trauma that has been triggered inside you.
Eclipses help us to move out of stuck places in our minds or hearts. They do so by taking us out of our comfort zones, creating breakdowns or breakthroughs out of those stuck energies.
Mercury Retrograde helps us to see with new lens, to perceive differently, to go outside the old boxes. It helps us to question a belief or direction we have chosen.
We then have the opportunity to change directions, to think and feel differently, or to end up feeling even more confident of what was previously chosen.
You can see why it is wise, with the eclipses and Mercury Retrograde to not jump to conclusions, or leap into anything.
All is in process now, and bottom line thinking is off its usual abilities. Be patient and wait it out. Before too long (sometime after Mercury goes back direct on September 22nd) renewed clarity and direction will surface from the fog.
In the global picture during this Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde: the election process for President of the USA is getting even more mean spirited from both sides; a truce has been called in war torn Syria; North Korea is looking more dangerous than ever; the USA is getting more estranged from China and some Asian nations like the Philippines; the economy and stock market are showing signs of difficulty; Iran and the USA are sabre rattling with one another; and the Middle East in general feels like a kind of calm before the coming storms.
These issues will tend to build intensity this week with some kind of climax around the Lunar Eclipse. Then all will begin to shift around the 22nd on Autumn Equinox with Mercury back Direct again.
Life as we know it is rapidly changing right before our eyes now, and we are only just in the beginning of the transformation.
We have a long way to go before we reach what is needed and aligned with the Age of Aquarius.
Things in some ways will get much worse, like with societal structures and institutions, which are decaying and self destructing.
But in the process we are as a human collective re-aligning with core principles and ideals.
We are reaching more up to the heavens of our divine nature, while at the same time getting more comfortable with our connection to sacred Mother Earth and her Natural rhythms.
We are honoring more our souls and spiritual natures, while learning to trust our bodies and their wisdom at the same time.
All is connected and working together for a common unity and evolutionary growth.
All is pointing toward the star of the Age of Aquarius. It may not be exactly what each of us wants, but it will give us all exactly what we collectively need in our travels around the wheel of our Universe into a New Age.
Expect the unexpected and do not be too surprised if we before too long see the proof that we as Earthlings are not alone in the Universe.
Till next week,
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