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As Above, So Below and Astrology Forecast September 23-29

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

This week we enter the annual portal into Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere.

 The Autumn Equinox is on Saturday September 22 at 9:54 PM EDT.  As always, that means that the Sun moves into Libra at that Equinox moment.  The Sun stays in Libra for 30 days.

Two days later, on September 24, the Moon catches up to the Sun from its opposite position.  So the Moon in Aries opposes the Sun in Libra to form a Full Moon at 10:52 PM EDT.

Autumn Equinox is a time when light and dark minutes are equal.  That means yin and yang, “male” and “female” are also equal.

Then right after that Autumn Equinox moment of equality- dark, yin, “female” energy starts growing in relationship to the dimming energies of light, yang, and “male”.

At Winter Solstice dark is at its zenith.  Then at Spring Equinox we have equality again, but with light, yang energies beginning to increase.

Autumn Equinox symbolizes a time of year when we begin to know that darker, colder days are coming.  It is a time when personal striving and ambition begin to feel less important than relationships and social matters.

On a deep level, mortality can be felt as more real as darkness begins to grow.  We seek companionship to help us through the night.

And Libra brings us the Goddess of Relationship- Venus, which is the “ruling” planet of Libra.

Libra finds relationship and relating as more important than individual needs for independence and alone-time.

Libra is the scale of balance, always sensitive to equality and fairness as a result.

Libra is the master of diplomacy and mediation, able to see both sides of an issue.  As such it can have a really difficult time making decisions. Its ability to balance contributes to its talent at finding symmetry, which aids in its talent to balance colors, which aids its talent at creating beauty.

At the Full Moon in Aries two days later on the 24th, the Sun in Libra seeks relationship and at its best is very into the “other” person.

But the Full Moon has the Moon in Aries, and Aries seeks independence, being true to self, and taking care of personal needs and desires.

So at this Full Moon in Libra/Aries, it may be very important to balance doing what one wants to do for oneself,  with doing what someone else wants or what is best for the relationship.

Venus rules Libra and Mars rules Aries, so peace or war, connection or conflict may be decided personally and globally around the time of the full moon.

Saturn is also in aspect to this Full Moon, making close square to both Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries.

So if peace or war- or Female way  or Male way- cannot be decided, there will be a hand of fate or time that comes into play to make the decision.

Look at the Kavanaugh/Ford congressional proceedings to be reflective of these planetary movements.

Also this week Pluto is slowing down in order to go from Retrograde to Direct on Sunday the 30th of September.

That means that especially toward the end of this week intensity increases, passions are stirred, power struggles are more likely, and energies for transformation are stronger.

We are solidly beyond Summer Eclipse Season now, yet we are still in waiting for events that are developing as a result of that Eclipse Season.  Watch Syria/Middle East, Korea, and China trade to come front and center this Autumn.

Saturn makes its last pass of the USA natal Venus and Jupiter this Autumn. Mars and Jupiter make an important conjunction and square to the USA natal Moon this Autumn too. Important shifts for America are happening.

Saturn made its first pass to the USA Venus and Jupiter in January/February when Winter Eclipse Season was happening. The stock market reached a new high before falling dramatically then.

And last week the market reached a new high, higher than that previous high last January.   Another Eclipse Season has passed, and now Saturn goes back to where it was back in January/February.

Chances for a dramatic market drop are great again this Autumn.

For your personal life, remember we have entered a New Chapter of our lives.

Most have not fully adapted to this New Chapter yet.  There is still a purging of the old stories, traumas, and energy patterns from the Old Chapter.  There is still a “not-knowing” of what this New Chapter is all about.

We are caught between worlds, so to speak, no longer a part of the past, but not yet fully connected to our new path.

So living in the moment is more important than ever, allowing the processes of nature, your higher self, and the Universe to play out.

This makes trust and faith especially important now.

And horrific past personal events can make having trust and faith very challenging.

Keep in mind that there is a “higher/deeper Source” that is always there in the best interest of your soul and spirit.

It is true that surrendering to that Source takes ultimate ego control away from you.  But ego control keeps you stuck when it is time to grow and change.

Trust that Source and watch your life gain wings to fly through this transition time in your life.

Allow the Sun to go down now at the Sunset time of Autumn Equinox this week. Surrender to Nature and allow your soul to go down and yin-ward with it.

All is in Divine order. It our fears that see differently. The Earth and Heavens are connected and working together.  It is our fears that see differently.

“As Above/So Below” is metaphysical truth and Astrology is its translator.

Till next week,


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