by Leo Knighton Tallarico
We are almost past the powerful summer astrological aspects of 2010. There is still a weakened Cardinal T-square of planets: Jupiter in Aries opposite Saturn in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. By mid-September, however, Jupiter will join Uranus in late mutable sign Pisces, and Saturn will move out of T-square influence, though still in Libra.
We have also recently moved into a waning Moon cycle, as we passed the Full Moon from August 24. We stay in that declining phase of the cycle until September 8, when there is a New Moon in Virgo. And of course Mercury is recently moved into Retrograde, where it will stay until September 12.
So all in all, we are slowing down for a little while ; and now as the dust from the storms of summer of 2010 move away, we reflect, analyze, contemplate, meditate, and perhaps pray. Big events that result from the eclipses, grand cross, and cardinal t-square of the summer of 2010 are on the way. They arrive soon.
Many personal lives have been quite shook up this year. We have been taken out of our usual comfort zones. Some have endured rather difficult events in their lives, events that are not always easy to put in a meaningful context.
We are awakening from a collective slumber. We are being thrust back into deeper places in our hearts and souls. We are moving forward into new phases of our lives, letting go of times gone by.
We have been thinking and acting like we want to stay in control of everything. Now we are realizing that we need to let go of over- control by our egos, and instead be more connected to our authentic self and deeper soul, connected more to the natural rhythms and “seasons” of the Universe.
This is all in preparation for greater waves of transformation to come, of consciousness, personal lives, and of the greater world we live in. By 2020 we will have entered an Aquarian Age. 2012 is merely two years away.
In the greater world the summer astrological aspects of 2010 have brought us to a crossraods in so many areas of life. We cannot maintain old ways of being that attempt to dominate the natural forces of Earth and the Universe and our souls. We need to get out of the way of powerful Universal forces that are clearing the path into an Aquarian Age. The old paradigm for living in this world is imploding. The governments, corporations, militaries, and other institutions that hold and perpetuate the existence of the Old World will be cleared away.
And so, the economy is very likely now to take a bigger dip downward in late summer and autumn. We will soon know we have gone into a so-called double dip recession. The bottom has not been reached yet. After it is, we can rebuild the economy into a more organic and just system.
And last weekend, as Saturn was square Pluto and Mercury had just gone retrograde; there was much action in the world around Israel, Palestine, and Iran. Efforts at peace, cries of war were both strong. That region is at a crossroads now, and likely soon there will be war, unless something amazing happens to shift the tide. Korea is also dangerous now. The old dog-eat-dog paradigm for survival of the fittest is dying a most horrible death. In its place is a deep knowing, aligned with a new Aquarian Age, that our future survival is dependent on knowing we are all one human family, all on this Earth together, diverse yet unified.
So for now it is best to enjoy the rest of the summer, and at the same time to go inside and reflect on your self and your life. Total clarity and direction will come later. Mercury retrograde can help you in this process, as it tends to get us to think differently. It is not a good time to push any agenda. It is not a good time to force your mind to find a logical answer that is not ready to appear yet.
It is a good time to go deeper inside your feelings, to think more creatively and imaginatively. Much in life unfolds for us, if we are patient and trusting in the process. Often it is not really imperative to know the answer right now. Too often we cannot stand the unknowing, as it makes us feel stressed and insecure. Let go and wait. It will come at the right time.
And we begin to move forward at the New Moon in Virgo on September 8. And then issues gain more clarity, as we find more direction after September 12, when Mercury goes back direct again.
And a couple of weeks later is a more than usual meaningful Autumn Equinox- late on September 23, and shortly thereafter is a Libra/Aries Full Moon- merely 5 hours later. That equinox/full moon brings back the emphasis on early cardinal signs again, letting us know again we are entering even bigger new seasons of life.
And for the near future, there will be a lunar eclipse right on the winter solstice, that promises a quite eventful winter season also.
It is remarkable that so many big astrological aspects are happening around early cardinal signs. We are truly in transition now into new phases of our lives, both personally and globally.
If you can let go of unnecessary controls now, you can then more gracefully let go of what needs to go, inside your self, in your beliefs, and in your life. Holding on tightly may feel like you have control, but it is an illusion. You will have more say in your life if you let go of too much mental controls, and instead open your heart and soul.
You will then be more able to leave the traps and boxes in your mind and life. And from there open to the rhythms of your authentic self and the Universe. You will no longer need big wake up calls from the Universe, and you will be happier as you walk in step with the Aquarian Age upon us.
“See” you next week,
Leo Knighton Tallarico
There are more writings and information about astrological consultations on my website. Also there will be a new live Perspectives from the Sky radio show on Saturday September 11 at 1 PM EDT. You can also listen to past shows at that address. I did cancel the show for today August 28.