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Breathing in and Breathing out and Astrology Forecast November 29-December 5

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Last week we experienced a Full Moon in Gemini and a Saturn square Neptune aspect.

Saturn square Neptune shows us the polarization between order, boundaries, and limits (Saturn) on the one hand;  and energies that spread with no sense of boundaries or limits (Neptune)on the other hand.

Last week Turkey (weird connection with Thanksgiving) said that a Russian fighter jet entered Turkish territory and so Turkey shot down that airplane.   Crossing state boundaries and putting a stop to it is certainly Neptune and Saturn being played out.

And also a man climbed a fence in order to get to the White House, and he was stopped by guards before he got there.  Again crossing boundaries and then guards putting a stop to it is Neptune square Saturn again.

On Sunday the 29th the Sun in Sagittarius will trigger the Saturn/Neptune square, so this coming week should bring us more issues of boundary crossings or chaos versus order events.

That Sun in Sagittarius conjuncts Saturn, bringing seriousness but also a firmer grasp on solutions and meaning.  The Sun square Neptune, brings a feeling of letting go and going with the flow, but also more confusion and spaciness.

In your personal life, in what ways has the Saturn/Neptune square been playing out?

Have you put up boundaries and limits to people and not had them honored by others?  Have you tried to emotionally connect with others and had them put up big stop signs instead? Are there any issues that have come up around property boundaries?  Have you tried to have your privacy respected and had others plough right through them?

Have your children not respected your rules and limits recently? Now this cannot be just the usual lack of respect for rules and boundaries, but instead a more potent example of your limits and rules not abided by.

Have you recently put up boundaries around sexual behavior?  Have there been any oil spills or leaks or water flooding in your home or other places?

Has there been a feeling of emotions inside you threatening to overwhelm you?   Have others spilled their emotions all over you when you wish they wouldn’t have?

How much now are you open and allowing (Neptune) versus controlled and all set (Saturn)?

Stay aware this week of how Saturn square Neptune may be playing out for you.

We are also now in the last half of the lunar cycle begun at the New Moon in Scorpio on November 11.  And it has been a most intense lunar cycle both globally and personally.    So many terror attacks in the world since then.

Now as we move through the last half of the lunar cycle, we seek to understand what has been recently happening in the world and in our personal lives.  And we seek to come down more into our bodies and souls to process and heal.

And we can also prepare ourselves for the next lunar cycle, which will begin with a New Moon in Sagittarius on December 11.

That new moon will be especially energized, in part because it is in fiery and expansive Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter.  But it will also be especially energized because Mars will have made an opposition to Uranus just several hours before that new moon.

And that opposition triggers the still pertinent and powerful Uranus/Pluto square.   And a few days before that opposition to Uranus, Mars will be making a most potent and potentially explosive square to Pluto- again triggering  the Uranus/Pluto square.

So relatively speaking, this week could be somewhat tame (though the Saturn/Neptune square may react differently).

It is important now to realize that the power of transformation, which includes very disruptive and painful world events, is here to stay now.

The events that have burst onto our collective world scene have amped up since the eclipses in September, most especially so since the Scorpio New Moon on November 11.

And now we are in a whole new phase of our transformational journey into the Age of Aquarius.   This is a new chapter or new season of our lives.

There is no going back to normal, as the old normal no longer exists.  We can conjure it up in our minds, but our deeper awareness knows it is not real anymore.

More and more our reality changes now, and if we want to be present and connected to the Universe and our soul self, we need to allow these new frequencies in.

Though at first they may seem foreign and difficult to integrate in our hearts and lives, through time they will feel natural and organic.

You all know that even as times change we need things and people that are familiar and allow us to feel safe and secure.  And of course that is fine and needed.

But as we see the world bringing us events that feel threatening, and as our personal lives bring us events or emotions that are disconcerting and take away our security blankets; we need to shift into these new realms while doing our best to keep our feet on the ground with stability.

Both the Uranus/Pluto square and the Saturn/Neptune square represent this transformational process.

We are letting go of the old normal while doing our best to feel safe and secure.

We can do this best when we keep our faith, when we keep our trust in the Universe and the bigger picture.

Everything happens meaningfully, even if at first we can not understand what is happening in the bigger picture.

And even though the ride of transformation can feel painful at times, if we can keep our concentration on the notion of a new birth happening, we can then see the pains as “labor pains” or instead as “demons” at the doorway of our new world.

Transformation always means letting go of that which no longer fits with our soul’s path of growth or evolution.  And it also means we are trusting and allowing in new love and light from the new phase of our lives. Death and Birth are always happening, every moment of our journey here on Earth.  It is our constant reality whether we are noticing or not.

That is why watching our breath can be a very good way to meditate, as it shows us breathing in new life and breathing out that which is being let go of.

When we are presented with a transformational crisis or challenge, the process of releasing the old and dying and allowing in the new births is amplified and intensified.

And now our world is in such a crisis or challenge.  The world events we are witnessing are part of that process. With each event there is an opportunity to release an old tape in our minds, an old belief system or attitude that has kept us stuck in patterns that are self defeating or unsatisfying.

For many it is not wise to stay tuned in to the horror in these world events. For all it is wise to not get too involved and obsessed with such events.

And for all it is wise not to let fear or rage take over our consciousness with such events.

Turn off the TV or stay off the news on the internet or newspaper if it upsets you too much or if it seduces you into fear or rage.

Instead meditate and keep up spiritual practices, exercise and eat healthily, and stay around people who are aware and present but not negative.  Avoid those who are now driven by fear and doom and gloom, even if they are close friends or family.

This may often feel now like both the best and the worst of times. That is in the nature of transformational change.

Till next week,


You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find my services on my website  You can sign up for our newsletter there.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.

My life partner Deborah has a blog now that will bring to you a greater sense of life’s sacredness and our human connection to our Earth, Feminine mysteries and that which brings us all together in unity.

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