By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Well we made it through the Republican Convention, which ended as the Moon in Pisces was coming up to being a Full Moon. Mitt Romney, who gave his acceptance speech that last night of the convention, is a Sun in Pisces man. That is of course synchronistic.
I know many people made a big deal that this was a so-called blue moon, which is defined that way because it is the second full moon in a month. The Pisces Full Moon does not “know” about our Gregorian Calendar, and how many days there are in August. It just shines the way it does every year, as is natural. Its energy and meaning are unaffected by our calendar. It was a very gentle, flowing, deep and mystical Full Moon as always.
So now the Democrats will put on their convention, starting Monday. President Obama will be in the spotlight, which is a natural place for that Sun in Leo man to be.
It is obvious to me that Romney and the republicans in many ways represent the old world we are leaving. The emphasis is on nuclear family and “family values”; seeing the United States as superior to other peoples; getting militaristic against the “enemies”; seeing the bible and traditional religion as a guiding light.
That is where they get their opinion that gays should not marry, and where they get their right to life, anti-abortion beliefs. Romney is a Mormon, and yes we do believe in freedom of religion, but it is important to know more about Mormonism.
And Mitt Romney comes from a rather “royal” Mormon family. His great-great grandfather was one of the original apostles of Joseph Smith Jr. the main prophet of the Mormons. Mitt’s great grandfather, who had multiple wives, left the USA to go to a Mormon colony in Mexico to avoid the USA law against plural marriage. His grandfather also lived much of his life in Mexico. Mitt was born in the USA, but spent some years in France preaching the Mormon word.
Brigham Young, the second main prophet of the Mormons, said that the African people had the mark of Cain upon them, Cain being the man who “sinfully” killed his brother Abel. For that reason Young felt they blacks could never be a priest in the Mormon religion, nor be able to rule at all in any way. He believed they should be servants to white people.
Now I am not saying Mitt Romney feels this way too, but attitudes that women and blacks are inferior to white men permeates the beliefs of his ancestors, who were mostly important leaders in the Mormon religion. The Mormons also have a very close affinity to Israelis, as they believe they are descendents of Israelis from Palestine. Mitt Romney’s allegiance to Israel is quite strong politically.
There is no doubt in my mind that the current republicans represent the Old Pisces Age we are leaving. It is not that they are bad people, or people to be demonized and hated. It is natural to have people try to hold on to old ways. They represent a world where people believe in a hierarchy of order, and a judgment of who belongs on the top, being better and with more privilege than others. This is not so much about the domination of women and blacks and gays, though of course that is very important.
On a deeper level this is about the old world belief that some people are better than others and deserve more. The Aquarian Age, as we have so often stated in these writings is about equality and Diversity in Unity. That is the New Age.
So if Mitt Romney’s current brand of republican party represents the Old Age, does that mean he will lose the election as we are moving into a New Age? No, not necessarily, because perhaps the pendulum will need to swing one more time a big step backwards before it takes many steps forward into an Aquarian Age.
And is Barack Obama a step forward? I believe in his first term as President he was a small step forward, at least in giving his endorsement to the rights of our gay brothers and sisters, and his attempts to hold back from a war with Iran.
But of course he still answers to the Empire, and his wars in Afghanistan and Libya, and his allegiance to the Corporate Structure, keep him from being a strong force forward.
Many progressive people, including young people ages 18-29, which was the only age demographic he carried in 2008, are largely dissillusioned with his not having brought the revolutionary change he so eloquently promised at the last election.
From studying the charts of Romney and Obama, the coming planetary movements over the next few years, and their connections to the USA chart, I give the advanatage to become president to Romney. I believe that unless there is a very strong movement coming up for Obama, that Romney will win. Of course there is destiny, which can be reflected in the movement of the planets. But we also do have choice, do we not?
So I believe that destiny is now leaning toward Romney, but I also believe people can change that if they so will, and make some deep changes in the pit of their consciousness. Prayer and positive visualization can help. And going out to vote of course.
But just think, as the Pisces Age ends, perhaps quite dramatically and tragically, would not a Sun in Pisces, who also has Moon in Scorpio, not seem aligned to face that end?
Can we escape such a dark ending to the Old Age, and have a President like Obama, who at least gives us a small bridge forward to the Aquarian Age lead the way for the next four years?
Remember, no matter how this turns, that there are not good guys and bad guys, no evil enemies to fight. Do not demonize. We are moving in transition between Ages, and some “dinosaurs”are becoming obsolete, slowly but surely. We do not want their death fall to crush us, but demonizing them only keeps each of us back in the consciousness of the old world. It is not “Us against Them”. We are not the good ones fighting against the bad ones. That attitude holds us back and makes the transition more difficult to achieve gracefully.
Mitt Romney is probably a very sensitive and caring person to people who know him and who are his friends and family. His consciousness, however, may be stuck in the past, in old ways of thinking, not connected to a broader and more inclusive way of being.
This coming week, as the Democratic Convention plays out, we are in the waning half of the Lunar Cycle, getting prepared for new beginnings after September 15 at the New Moon in Virgo. Shortly afterwards, on the 18/19th, Pluto changes directions while it squares Uranus for the second time this year. That week will bring more intensity, release of the old ways, and transformation into the new.
This week we should get a bit of an appetizer of intensity as Mars in Scorpio makes sextile to Pluto and quincunx to Uranus, triggering the Uranus/Pluto square. Stay alert for some shakeup this week, and do your best not to lose you cool.
See you next week,
There is a new radio show broadcast live on Saturday June 2 at 1 PM EDT on blog talk radio. You can listen to it anytime afterward also. And here is the the link to YouTube talk I gave recently at Spiritual Renaissance Center.
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on mywebsite.You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info.
Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years.
He predicted the Iraq War of 2003- in early 2001 when Bush first took office; predicted the 9-11 attacks with an article “The Tower”, written in June 2001. He predicted Obama and McCain would get the presidential nominations in november 2007, when both were low in the polls; and correctly predicted the current economic downturn before it occurred.