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Down to Earth and Astrology Forecast November 2-8

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Both eclipses from Autumn Eclipse Season 2014 have now passed.  Mercury is almost back to its normal Direct speed, after having been Retrograde for most of October.

That high level of intensity that Autumn Eclipse Season 2014 has brought to us is somewhat subsiding as we move through the Full Moon in Scorpio/Taurus this week on November 6.   But we have not completely finished the passage of this Eclipse Season yet.

Yes I  know many of you are getting planted in this new chapter of your life now.   All the powerful planetary movements this year have thrust us into new zones of consciousness and life.

Maybe, however, you are still procrastinating on decisions that need to be made; or still delaying talks with others you have been putting off; or not yet jumping forward into what is right for you now.

For many Autumn Eclipse Season took care of that, and events motivated you to let go more fully of what needs to be released.

The time we are moving into soon, as dust settles from the power of changing winds, is mostly for putting into reality what needs to still be made manifest.

And Mars in Capricorn will help you to do that for the next 5 weeks or so while it stays in Capricorn.  

But the Sun and Venus and Saturn being in Scorpio now will keep you in deeper emotional and consciousness waters, swimming through to the corners of your mind’s stagnant pools.

Those often abandoned thoughts and feelings from our past want to revisit our waking minds in order to find closure or healing.

Revisiting and hopefully closure and healing from past hurts or traumas is often a prerequisite for full entrance into new chapters of our life.

Keeping that old baggage locked up threatens to damage your new relationships and endeavors later in this new phase of your life.

There will be some help soon to break open the locks and chains, as Mars in Capricorn will be triggering the immensely important Uranus/Pluto square late this week and especially next week.

In that regard Mars will make exact conjunction with Pluto on November 10 and exact square with Uranus on November 12.  The days surrounding these planetary aspects should bring greater intensity and winds of change again.

These new winds will help to shake things up again and thus to loosen or break any chains that still bind.    That loosening or breaking will help you to make more firmly the decision you are waiting on, or to be more confident what you have already done or plan to do.

Then after November 22 at the New Moon in Sagittarius, you can feel the fires of new adventures and new inspirations burning.  Taking the leap will be easier then.

Then on December 15 the second to last Uranus/Pluto square is exact, showing us even more transformational movement.

And then on December 21 is the Winter Solstice, more powerful than usual as it forms a New Moon in Capricorn that day when revolutionary Uranus also goes direct.

World events have been very significant this year, threatening “business as usual” in America and the world.   Islamic State, Ebola, Ukraine, and Israel/Palestine events this year are instigating disruptions to the status quo security structures, and promise world changes that will eventually transform the world we live in.

As the economy also transforms, we can expect a New Age in Aquarius to bring us a world of greater equality and fairness,  renewed love and truth, and a world structure based on Diversity in Unity.

There is obviously much work and many great awakenings to be revealed in order for that New World to become reality.

This past week there were a few serious mishaps in our skies.  A rocket taking off from Virginia with the intention of supplying a Space Station exploded and crashed, and a Virgin Galactic rocket meant to be a test case for space travel for the general public also crashed and burned.

Gravity is having its way now as Capricorn and Pluto are the strongest energies.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which rules gravity; and Scorpio is ruled by Pluto which rules the underworld. And most of the planets are in earth or water signs now, not fire and air.   So the pull is down and in, not up and out.  Yin is stronger than yang.

Add all that to the fact that our old world’s paradigm and priorities are shifting.   Our desires to keep finding our answers “out there” is dying.  Our needs to go inward and yin-ward and to take care of our human family and its creatures here on Earth is getting stronger and stronger.  We do not need to keep conquering anymore.  We need to be more in touch with inner values of caring and healing.

The Bear is a symbolic animal to keep aware of now.  Look for its presence in your awareness now. It signifies protecting and caring for what we already cherish, and stopping the energies of constant driving toward material gains and greedy behavior. Here locally in Maine it is time to protect our Bears from more abuse through our vote this week.

Our Earth is where we live, and she needs our care and concern and love. Our Mother needs us to be aware of her needs, not to take her for granted anymore.  Going to other planets may be fine one day, but right now we need to take care of home and its inhabitants. The message now, especially with the rocket crashes, is to “come down to Earth”.

The Full Moon this week is Thursday November 6 at 5:23 PM EST.     It is formed with the Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus.   This is a dance primal passion (Scorpio) and earthly security and calm (Taurus).    These are both fixed signs and both desire to hold on and not let go. Scorpio holds onto feelings and emotions, especially ones that have come from hurts, rejections or betrayals.  Taurus holds onto physical possessions and people. Each is stubborn in its own way.   Be careful not to get into any tugs of war this week with others.

This Full Moon is one that also seeks balance between keeping the calm order and letting in passions, intensities, and disruptions.

Afterwards it may feel like a turning point to ending the Autumn Eclipse Season, but remain aware that there is more to come this autumn.

See you next week,


The new Autumn Eclipse Season Forecast is ready to view .

You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 29 years

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