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Finding our Way and Astrology Forecast May 3-9

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We have now passed through the half way point of Spring Season 2015.  The Eclipses and exact Uranus square Pluto meeting have  also passed.

The phase we now enter will show the results of what was shaken up in the first half, when all those intense aspects occurred.

Events that are a direct result of that shake up will erupt this second half of Spring 2015 and into Summer 2015.   Late July/early August will be a turning point time period that shows us the way forward in our transformational journey.

For now we continue toward the Full Moon in Scorpio on Sunday May 3.  This is the Wesak Full Moon, experienced every year at the Full Moon of Sun in Taurus opposite the Moon in Scorpio.  

The Wesak Full Moon is metaphysically connected to Buddha,and is  considered a time to find greater peace and light.

On an energetic level this Full Moon on May 3 at 11:42 PM EDT emits frequencies of bodily comfort (Taurus) and emotional intensity (Scorpio).

Starting from 2 days before the actual Full Moon to around 2 days afterward, you may experience an internal tug of war or a tug of war with another. This conflict is between peace and comfort on the one hand and emotional intensity and drama on the other hand.

Taurus may seek to maintain that comfort even at the expense of real emotions or deep emotional connection.   Scorpio may want to stay hooked into an emotional drama even when there is path to a peaceful solution.

So even inside your self there is a need to balance allowing the truth of your feelings and emotions, no matter how intense or even painful- with a grounding into the stronghold of your body or nature.

This Full Moon also brings some resolution to what was begun around the New Moon in Aries on April 18.   Issues may need to be brought emotionally to the surface again before they can be better resolved.

This coming week, the first full week of May, has the Sun in Taurus mildly triggering the Uranus/Pluto square, pushing transformational issues forward.

Please keep in mind that even though we just passed the last exact square of Uranus and Pluto, that aspect will still be in orb (be close to one another) through 2018.  And its after effects will last even longer.

Remember that the last major meeting of Uranus and Pluto was in 1965-66, when they were conjunct.

That conjunction brought on the ’60s revolution, and the intensity of that revolution lasted through the ’70s.

Civil Rights for African Americans was one of the first burning issues erupting in ’65/66.  And when Martin Luther King was assassinated in April 1968, the Civil Rights revolution for blacks was at a climactic turning point.

Now as Uranus and Pluto square one another, Civil Rights issues are again in the spotlight.  LGBT Civil Rights, including the right to marry, has had many breakthroughs over the last few years. But mush bias and prejudice remains

And over the last few years, even after an African American was elected President of the USA, racial issues have been brought back to awareness: Travon Martin, Ferguson, and now Freddy Gray.

Since we are now in transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, we are moving inexorably into a world of equality and a world of Diversity in Unity. 

All are equal members of the human family, regardless of race, origin, gender, sexual orientation, or lifestyle.

No one is intrinsically better than another.   And African American rights as well as LGBT rights are so important now as these groups have been quite arguably the most oppressed over many years.

And yes all groups of people need to take responsibility for their actions, and to find the place in their hearts that knows we are all one.

But first any blocks of age-old prejudice need to be addressed and released.  And of course attitudes of prejudice and bias can be experienced by any race or nationality or gender or sexual orientation.

But those in power are the ones who can oppress and dominate and abuse.   And  that abuse of power is what needs to be more fully investigated in cases like Ferguson and Freddy Gray.

Our new world cannot tolerate such behavior anymore.

The great hope now is that there can be a more graceful entrance into the Age of Aquarius.

Will there be riots, world wars, militant revolutions, and economic crashes that break down the doors of the old guard’s castles of dominance?

Or can there be sufficient awakenings, heart openings, and healings that will preclude the need for such devastation?

I believe we will know before the end of the year what the general pathway into the Age of Aquarius will look like.

In your personal life now, you can ask the same brand of question:  How much does your old life need drastic overhaul in order to bring you into a more purposeful. authentic, healthy, connected, loving  and meaningful life.

Do you need an overhaul of your spiritual practices, beliefs, health habits, relationships, career, family, and/or home?

Or are you needing merely to recommit your self to your own soul path and continue to make the changes needed?

How much of old societal and family programming still controls your attitudes, beliefs, and actions?

Do you know and accept who you really are, without unfair judgment or self abuse?

Do you know you live in a meaningful Universe that will show your soul the Way to its fulfillment?

Till next week,


Perspectives From The Sky | Just another weblog//

I have created a new YouTube presentation for the Spring Portal.

You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

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Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.

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