By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Venus is now Direct after having been retrograde since March 4th this year.
During Venus Retrograde periods we rewind our hearts to remember earlier times in our lives and to get in deeper connection with our hearts.
What did you learn during Venus Retrograde about what is in your heart? Did you learn more about your current relationships, what state they are in, and what needs to be done with them.
This is not only meant to be about “romantic” relationships, but also perhaps about friends, family, work relationships, etc.
Did you learn more about what is in your heart and what and whom you truly love? Even if you did not think about that during the Retrograde period, it is good to begin to think and feel about that now.
Did you meet any new people during Venus Retrograde? How do you feel in your heart about them? Does it look like they will continue to be in your life?
Did you get more clear about current relationships and what patterns you want to transform?
Are there any relationships that ended during Venus Retrograde or that you need to think about ending now?
Did any people from the past come back into your life through dreams, strong memories, or in person? Do those relationships have any bearing on how you look at a current relationship?
Do you feel excited about any new or revived relationships? Do you feel sad about any current or past relationships?
Venus also has some rulership, through Taurus, of our bodies, our homes, our land and resources.
Are there any changes that happened or will soon happen around your body, home, land, or resources?
It is good to let Venus be Direct for a week or so before jumping to any relationship conclusions. Clarity starts now and will grow over the next week or so.
Of course to complicate matters Mercury is now Retrograde and will not go Direct until May 3rd.
So there is some potential mental rewind going on now, some changing of perceptions, and perhaps thinking of changing decisions or life direction.
Do your best to let the Venus Direct process naturally unfold, until you get crystal clear about the matter before taking action. Don’t force your heart or mind to get clear before it is time.
This last week world relationships were rather strained and have gotten to a very dangerous point.
The USA bombed Syria because it says Syria used chemical weapons on its own people. Use your own judgment about the veracity of that claim.
The USA also dropped the biggest bomb ever used, except for a nuclear weapon, on tunnels in Afghanistan. That bomb also killed a hundred or so people, said to be Islamic State people.
And North Korea and the United States are macho posturing with one another now. That is a most dangerous situation.
We could be moving toward a world war, with August being a most important turning point on this issue. Hopefully we can reverse this current trajectory.
My friend David Lonebear Sanipass has said that April 15 is an important day in the Cosmos and for our world. All these dangerous situations are revolving around that date, which must be some kind of turning point.
He and I had a video conversation with one another today the 15th of April. I will put that up on youtube early this coming week, and will let you know with a link on an update of this week’s blog/forecast. So come back to this week’s forecast and you will be able to access it.
I do talk about this coming August on the video.
That will be an important month with 2 eclipses, the second one being especially important.
That will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21. Its path will be across the USA from Oregon to the Carolinas. It is the first Total Eclipse to move entirely across the USA since June of 1918.
This eclipse in August will be almost exactly, to the degree, conjunct planetary positions of birth charts of Syria (nodes), North Korea (Saturn), and Israel (Mars). I explain more on the video and will explain more in writing closer to the event.
That Eclipse will also be conjunct Donald Trump’s natal Mars in Leo and directly opposite the USA Moon in Aquarius.
There are other aspects that month that trigger the USA Mars and Pluto.
That will be an enormous crossroads turning point time period, and a few months surrounding that eclipse should be filled with important world events, especially concentrated in August.
That should be a very intense time period energetically, and it also will bring huge waves of creative frequencies of love and truth for your transformational process.
We are all needing to clear our energy fields, minds and hearts of toxic old world energies. It is important to let go of what has been programmed into us by an old world paradigm.
That old paradigm keeps a dense blockade against the new energies trying to pour into us.
As we clear our minds, hearts, souls and bodies of these toxins we create an opening for the new waves.
And now as you look at our world, you know it is imperative for each of us to get off the fence of straddling two worlds, and to make commitment to the New World and Age of Aquarius.
This does not mean you throw caution to the wind and throw away all your security supports. But it does mean you let go of the fears that keep you a slave to the old world paradigm. It does mean your allegiance is to your Self, the Universe, the Truth, and what you Love.
Energies this week will shift mid week as the Sun goes into Taurus on Wednesday April 19, Pluto goes Retrgrade on April 20, Mars goes into Gemini on April 21, and recently Direct Venus is exactly square Saturn on the 21st.
As the Sun goes into Taurus on the 19th, what was initiated during Sun in Aries will now be solidified and made manifest.
Also concentration will be more on the physical world, like your body, nature, home, money and land.
Your 5 senses will be more enlivened and it will be a good time to enjoy food, lovemaking, hot tubs, and catering to your bodily pleasures and comforts.
Earth Day happens during Taurus time of year on April 22, so our Earth home can now use more of our care and concern.
Pluto Retrograde on the 21st will intensify our emotions and energy field, bring out power struggles in some, and most importantly will be a time of potential transformation. There may be a feeling of rebirth around this date.
Mars in Gemini gives us more motivation to learn and share information, talk, communicate and generally move faster.
Venus recently Direct square Saturn tells us about relationship endings, either ending old dysfunctional relationship patterns or seriously considering ending the relationship.
This is an important year of 2017, when we turn the corner toward fully committing to new world consciousness.
The conversation video with me and David Sanipass is here-
Till next week,
If you need any help with your relationship now, I have done couples’ counseling for many years. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go? I use the astrological model to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.
Please check out my new forecast for 2017-
And if you would like your own personal forecast for 2017, please contact me at