By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Last week’s meeting between Mars and Uranus in Aries created an intense energy field for us to move through.
And its overall purposes were to empower each of us, and to liberate us from stuck places in our minds or lives.
It also intended to motivate us to move forward on our path, even if that path was recently challenged or impeded.
And overall for many it brought breakthroughs and liberation from stuck places.
And we know it is essential now to be true to Authentic Self and spiritual Pathways as much as possible.
We are in a New Life Chapter now, and the Mars/Uranus conjunction tried to push us over any humps that were in the way.
Now we sit on the other side of the bridge, searching for more clarity of direction, hoping for a new normal before too long. The “old normal” has no more comfort to it and cannot be counted on anymore.
Relationships were very difficult to make or maintain last week, since Mars, Uranus, and Aries are each more oriented to independence, personal space, and individual freedom.
Now that we have passed through that Mars/Uranus “storm”, this coming week (especially after this week’s Full Moon in Virgo) we need to settle into where we now find ourselves.
We may be beginning to experience a letdown now as we “come down” from last week’s aspects and the Eclipse Season that has recently ended.
Part of this letdown may show us some doubt over what we have previously chosen, and it is wise now to let the process continue forward without jumping to conclusions or doing or saying anything impulsive.
This week contains an abundance or planets in Yin signs (water and earth signs), so the down-and-in process is in gear this week.
The Sun moves into Pisces this Monday the 18th, and Pisces is slow go, with the flow. It is time this week and this month to lay back more and let it be.
Pisces is a mutable water sign, and as such it is changeable and eludes and escapes boundaries, borders, and stop signs. It just keeps in the flow.
Pisces represents the world behind the world, the world of soul and many different frequencies. It often does not take well to the “real world”, the material world, to anything harsh or burdensome.
It is sensitive and empathic, sometimes easily hurt, and it can go into victim consciousness at times.
It picks up the feelings of others and for some it then becomes difficult at times to differentiate between its own feelings and the feelings of others.
Pisces has a little of each sign in it, and that is why it sometimes has difficulty keeping a solid identity or even knowing what it truly wants and needs.
The Christ is one of its natural archetypes of identity, and so it can become very sacrificial, but also very compassionate and honoring of that which is greater than itself (God, Goddess, Universe, etc.).
Since it seeks to enter frequencies of soul, beyond the material “real” world, it is susceptible to ways of escaping, including with drugs or alcohol.
The inner soul world that Pisces is oriented toward is one of images, signs and symbols. The dream world is its world, a place that one can escape to, and one that is understood better by the ability to read signs and symbols.
But I am sure you can see how that soul world is nebulous and knowing what is true versus what may be an illusion can be challenging. Poems and metaphor are natural in that world.
So in this Sun in Pisces time ahead, it is best to surrender to the inner soul world as often as possible. That Pisces time takes us all the way up to Spring Equinox and Sun in Aries March 20.
So this month ahead is for processing, meditating, feeling your feelings, and getting ready for new beginnings in the Spring.
Last week gave us much Aries energy and desires to thrust forward in our lives, with confidence and empowerment.
So this week can feel like a letdown, as the feeling of forward movement was short lived last week, and we are being taken into the dream world of soul now.
Likely full forward movement will have to wait until Spring or Summer 2019.
On February 19, the day after the Sun moves into Pisces, Mercury conjuncts Neptune ( The planet most affiliated with Pisces. So mentally dipping into deeper feelings will be most natural then. Using one’s logical, left brain faculties will be quite challenged in finding answers.
Again it is best to allow process to unfold before knowing ultimate answers now.
Also on the 19th there is a Full Moon in Virgo at 10:54 AM EST. A Full Moon in Virgo has the Sun in Pisces opposite the Moon in Virgo.
This is usually a very gentle full moon, one that requires a letting go of ego or needs to control or dominate.
The Sun in Pisces seeks letting go into the inner dimensions; Moon in Virgo seeks order in the material world. Virgo categorizes, analyses, differentiates, and looks for what is wrong that needs to be fixed.
Pisces unifies and in so doing is non discriminating, which is one of its strengths and weaknesses. Virgo naturally sees the differences and faults, which is one of its strengths and weaknesses.
What those two signs have in common are that they both want to be of service, sometimes to the detriment of self.
So this full moon may challenge your ability to see where the truth lies, and also challenge your ability to let things flow while still finding order.
It is best to surrender to this Full Moon and to know that being down does not necessarily mean to be depressed.
Later in the week, on Friday February 22, Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Watch out for power and control battles in relationships.
In the greater world, so much was coming to a head last week, most notably with a potential government shutdown again. That was averted, a bill signed, but Trump declared a National Emergency so he can have the funds to build his wall.
We will see over the next few weeks what happens there, after the legalities are all considered.
The stock market has been surging in recent weeks, but make no mistake the overall movement is downward and the economy and Military/Industrial Complex will be transformed in a big way over the next few years.
We have put ourselves on life support systems to keep the Old World alive and breathing. It cannot survive.
Last week we saw the firm intention by the Trump administration and Israel to put Iran in its crosshairs for attack. And Venezuela may also be targeted. Bolton and Pompeo have Trump’s ear and both are known war hawks and neocons.
Additionally we heard that the Kushner/Trump “peace”plan for Israel and the Palestinians will soon be unveiled. There also are new female members of Congress who are trying to educate the masses to know how much the Palestinians are being dominated and oppressed.
So much of the USA government is heavily influenced by the powerful Israeli lobbies that feed the greed and power hunger of the unbalanced Capitalists of the USA and world.
Remember that Truth needs to be revealed and honored in order for there to be a unified marriage between Love and Truth, brought together like the Yin-Yang symbol.
The whole Middle East is in such danger now, and any kind of match will set it on fire. And the Palestinian issue holds so much of the tension there underneath all else.
This is similar to what was happening in South Africa in the ’80s, before the revolution that ended the horrible oppression of black people there. We will need a world wide mass protest movement to bring justice for the Palestinians and peace for both Israel and Palestine. Israel will need vast healing for the PTSD it still suffers from the horror of its oppression in World War II at the hands of the Nazi’s. That PTSD is a strong influence in how they treat the Palestinians.
All is moving forward toward the Age of Aquarius and a new world of equality; Diversity within unity; and Love and Truth as its pillars.
Keep the faith no matter how it looks on the surface. Fear and Hatred kill the buzz of Age of Aquarius consciousness.
Talk next week,
Check out this beginning of new radio show/ podcast:
Check out the introduction to my new podcast/radio show:
The first actual podcast will be in early February.
Here is video from before Eclipse Season:
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