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Making Solid and Astrology Forecast April 18-April 24

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Well we are now solidly immersed into the Lunar Cycle that began at the Aries New Moon on April 11.

It has been a most difficult transition for many. This was not a mere Aries New Moon as usual. It carries us into a time period that is largely unknown by most.

The Feminine is getting more powerful in our consciousness and in the world, powerful in a good way. It is a voice and force that cannot be denied anymore.

The Collective human heart is being awakened as a result of a rising of the “Feminine”. The greater honoring of cycles and love are growing in our collective and individual consciousness as well.

And very importantly the Mysteries are being more embraced. All is not logical, linear, and scientific. Much magic opens up as one opens one’s mind and heart to possibility.

Early part of this week has a Mars/Pluto quincunx aspect (150 degree angle between them) to it.

A quincunx brings an angle that is difficult to make harmonious. Each energy (planet) has little “understanding” of the other

In this case, Mars in light and airy Gemini does not feel resonance with dark and heavy Pluto in Capricorn.

This combo could bring rather chilly interaction between individuals or on the contrary overly intense interaction.

Overall energy is wanting to move forward even through the obstacles that have been put in our way.

Beginning on Monday/Tuesday this week, we get some energies of comfort coming in. The Sun goes into its annual sojourn through Taurus at that time. And it stays in Taurus for the next month.

Taurus at its best is solid, calm, and unaffected by the dramas all around. Well at least it presents itself that way.

In general, Taurus greatly dislikes intense emotions or anything it considers out of control.

Taurus likes to be physically very present, as it really enjoys satisfying its bodily senses. Taurus is fixed Earth, and as such it can be quite stubborn, especially when pushed or ordered to do anything.

It likes to keep what it possesses, including its close relationships. Taurus is a consumer, and holds onto those possessions with ferocity.

Security is most important to Taurus, so money, savings, land and real estate are usually quite appreciated.

They are solid citizens who, generally speaking, are very smart on a practical level.

Now that the Sun has moved out of Aries and into Taurus, it is time to take what has been started and now make it solid and lasting.

Aries initiates and Taurus then makes manifest and solid.

The 2nd quarter Moon begins on Tuesday the 20th in Leo. Be more solid and secure now, but also give time to Leo’s need for fun and spontaneity.

The world is moving more toward confrontation now with China, Russia, and Iran presenting challenges to the Western World and Israel.

Taiwan, Ukraine, and Iran are issues crying to be solved. Unfortunately, armed conflict has been the means of settling these kind of issues more times than not.

The Asian world felt the weakness of America during the Trump years, and still likely feels America is more vulnerable now.

Russia truly believes Ukraine is in their world and their property. China feels that Taiwan is part of China, not its own country. Both there issues are quite intense now. The next several months, especially from May through September, are quite susceptible to being put on fire.

Israel is licking its chops in anticipation of defeating Iran once and for all.

For the rest of us, this transition time brings to us the energy and wisdom we need to transform our consciousness and lives. Magic is growing, as is Love and Truth.

No matter what happens on the world stage, we are evolving and growing, coming together in the knowing all is connected, sacred, and meaningful.

With each reminder of the fear and hatred that people have been programmed to believe is normal human behavior; there are people and events that show us love, kindness, caring, empathy and compassion. So many people are now desperate for truth even if painful.

We cannot be dulled into settling for the default position of the old world: wealth and fame are the ultimate prize. Cheating, lying and corruption are normal ways of being in the world.

The Trump years put emphasis on the shallow, the falsities, and the acceptance of treating women and minorities as second class citizens to be talked down to.

I do not accept that certain people are meant to be elite and privileged. I do not accept that elite, privileged, wealthy, and famous are of highest priority and the greatest gifts we can receive as humans.

Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer on Friday the 23rd. That Mars in Cancer goes well with the Sun in Taurus now, as we seek some comfort and safety in our lives. Spring 2021 Eclipse Season is on the way.

That will bring greater intensity, passion and challenge into our lives, so for now let’s do our best to be Chill.

Till next week,


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If u have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology reading contact me at

If you want a transit reading, which tells you what energies and events are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

Couples readings and couples counseling are my specialty. contact me at for more info or to make an appointment

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

If u have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology reading contact me at

If you want a transit reading, which tells you what energies and events are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

Couples readings and couples counseling are my specialty. contact me at for more info or to make an appointment

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

If u have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology reading contact me at

If you want a transit reading, which tells you what energies and events are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

Couples readings and couples counseling are my specialty. contact me at for more info or to make an appointment

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

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