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Open Portals of Change, and Astrology Forecast April 9-15.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We have arrived into the New Chapter.   We let you know a few weeks ago that the Aries New Moon on March 27 was the window out into this new chapter, and that big world events would soon follow.

So this last week America bombed Syria, and as usual found a “good” reason to do so: chemical weapons used on innocent Syrian people.  Yet the week before this atrocity, the USA dropped bombs in Iraq that killed many innocent people too. Now that has been effectively put aside in most minds through media silence.

Throughout history, perpetrators most always have found a “good reason” to kill or otherwise harm people.

Hitler believed he was creating a superior race that would bring progress to the world.

Bush II believed that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction- which did not exist.

Trust me on this-  Killing people in other parts of the world, when one is not really having to defend their country from attackers, has more ulterior motives behind it.

This bombing was a power play intended to show the world, most especially North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China, that the USA is back as the baddest guy in the neighborhood (“Make America Great Again”). It also takes people away from believing Trump and Putin are in a bromance.

Regardless of the reasons, this is the event that takes us into this new chapter, as it will be the event that begins to unhinge Pandora’s lid to its box.

Many events that will shake up the world in many ways will result from this event.

As old age and horrible as this bombing is, now is also a time of opening up the portals to higher consciousness and new ways.

We are waking up now out of our “comfort” zones, seeing more clearly, and getting activated to get moving and get doing.

If you focus on what is opening up for you and us collectively, and not on the world dramas, you will be OK.

Fear, hatreds, and most importantly programmed ways to think and feel, will hold you back and keep you stuck in old ways and old patterns.

There are two ways to go in this new chapter now.  You can get all wrapped up in the world dramas, taking sides, getting into winner versus loser consciousness; or you let the new energies and frequencies take you further into Love and Truth consciousness, and the ways of the Age of Aquarius.

There is a trust and faith necessary to do that:  trust and faith in the Universe, your better self, and your fellow soul traveller.

I know some of you will want to get involved in that old world for perhaps idealistic and altruistic reasons of your own.

Please do not do so if you are prone to losing your detachment, getting overly emotionally involved, feeling much fear or hatred, or getting taken off your new world path and/or your spiritual path.

It is important now to keep the focus on what is truly important.  Continuing our journey of transformation out of old consciousness and old ways, and creating and embracing new consciousness and new ways, is very important now.

Opening your mind and heart to the new light wanting to stream in is an important part of the journey now.

Love and Truth are what are wanting to flower in each of us.  The old energies, patterns, programs, beliefs, paradigms are ready to be released- one step at a time.

As we clear those blocks, there is more room in our inner channels and portals for the new energies to move through.

All we have been taught by society is open for questioning now.  Where we came from and where we are going is open for discussion.

We once believed the world was flat and then believed it was round.  And that level of new discovery is ready for us again.  And many of these new vistas sit inside us as new frequencies, new energetics, new soul pathways.

This week April 8-15, we encounter some major shifts: Mercury Retrograde, Venus Direct, and Full Moon in Libra.

Mercury goes Retrograde on Sunday April 9 at 7:14 PM EDT.  Venus will still be Retrgrade then.  

So from April 9- April 15 both planets will be retrograde.  On April 15 Venus goes direct, at which time only Mercury will be retrograde- until May 3 when it goes back direct again.

So this week ahead may get really unclear at times, especially around relating and relationships, and linear thinking.

You may tend to go back and forth on issues, or want to jump to conclusions too fast.

Do your best to wait and let issues brew longer if possible.  After April 15, when Venus goes Direct, relationship issues and security/home issues will begin to clear up.

But with Mercury still Retrograde, not all issues in all ways will be clear yet.  Be patient and trusting of the process.  Linear bottom line thinking is not as useful during Mercury Retrograde.

And as Venus Retrograde brought a rewind and reflection on relationships and people from the past, Mercury Retrograde also can create dreams, thoughts and in the flesh people coming back from the past.

So you can see the potential pattern:  Moving forward into new worlds and consciousness, while also reflecting on the past.

What from your past and present needs to be released?   What can you take with you on your soul’s journey going forward now?  Let the process unfold to show you the way.

Please do not overthink or try to figure it all out in your head during the retrograde time period.  Be satisfied with processing and going deeper for more insights.

That will help you to know what is best, not just in your head, but also in your heart and soul.

To further shift the energies and view this week, there is a Full Moon in Aries/Libra on April 10/11 at 2:08 AM EDT on the 11th.

Uranus in Aries will be strong in this Full Moon, so there may be some important awakenings that occur this week, shifting us outside of old boxes that have kept us locked up in self defeating thoughts and beliefs. Pluto in Capricorn will also be strong in this Full Moon.  So powerful transformational events and emotions may also erupt this week.

With the Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra in this Full Moon, we are trying to balance being true to ourselves and what we believe in on the one hand; while on the other hand truly listening and caring what is important to someone else.

Finding one’s personal empowerment and independence within a relationship is also a potential issue to be addressed this week.

We are filling up our cups of life now with more energy and action. The greater world is also getting more activated with events and movements.

We are ready for this now.

I will be doing a video conversation with David Lonebear Sanipass on the 15th at 2:43 PM, which David says is a time of cosmic importance. And of course also on the 15th Venus goes Direct.  David and I will be discussing the big shifts in the world and in our personal lives at this powerful time to be alive.  We will make that video available to others soon after.

till next week,


If you need any help with your relationship now, I have done couples’ counseling for many years. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go?  I use the astrological model to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.

Please check out my new forecast for 2017-

And if you would like your own personal forecast for 2017, please contact me at

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