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Power of Eclipse Transformation and Astrology Forecast January 6-12

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

On Saturday January 5 at 8:28 PM EST we experience the 1st of 2 important eclipses this month.  It is a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn.  Both Saturn and Pluto are in conjunction with this eclipse, bringing an even more powerful energetic intensity to the event.

Though the energies will be at their greatest intensity on the 5th and the 6th, important events may not flow for days, weeks, and even months. But more likely many events will happen the over the next few weeks.

What is important to observe are the events that have been swirling in our lives since early December at the New Moon in Sagittarius, which opened up Eclipse Season Winter 2018/19.

In your personal life since early December: what have you been experiencing or feeling or watching? What new challenges have appeared?  What opportunities have been offered to you? What fears have leaked into your psyche? What old patterns have you seen try to come back into your life, relationships, and/or consciousness?

What new ideas have you recently received? What important decisions need to soon be made? And most importantly at the Capricorn New Moon,  what are you getting motivated to build or rebuild, restructure.  What new projects do you plan to start or bring more fully forward?  What do you want to manifest or accomplish?

And what steps are necessary to help you move toward your goals. What kind of discipline do you need to get where you want to go, or do what you want to do in fulfilling your purpose?

This Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, with grave Saturn and lord of the underworld Pluto attached, is powerful in its “intention” to destroy whatever is ready and needs to be extricated from your consciousness and life.

You cannot run away from time marching on in the “real” world; and we do need to be a part of that real world so we can make the contributions necessary to assist in our collective human voyage into a New Paradigm and Age.

Hard decisions need to be made soon, new directions soon need to be known.

January hosts another eclipse on the 20th/21st of the month: a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo.  

So expect this eclipse month to shake things up, but at the same time show us what is real and substantive and needed.  Superficial and trite will not fare well most of this month.

Breakthroughs and/or breakdowns are more likely than usual now at the eclipses.  We are deeply transforming our consciousness, our lives, and our country and world.

Believing and having faith in the Universe and Universal cycles and symbols helps us better navigate the changes and transformation now upon us.

Stop searching for normal to come back. The old normal is gone now, and a new normal has not shown herself fully yet.

To add to the power of the current eclipse, Uranus changes direction from retrograde to direct on January 6, the day after the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn.

Planets in the process of slowing down to change directions push their energy and meaning into our consciousness and life.

Uranus is about “breaking out of boxes”, breaking chains of control in order to be more liberated. It is strong winds of change, individuality and or weirdness, being contrary, being different, being about social change, community, rebellion and revolution.

As Uranus going Direct closely follows the Solar Eclipse, we are on the precipice of important, needed change and transformation. 

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is of course a new moon, which means new beginnings. Yet being in Capricorn that suggests the change is slow and deliberative.  Saturn as part of the New Moon Eclipse’s signature suggests what is happening cannot be escaped or evaded. 

Pluto as part of the signature suggests deep inner exploration. But it also suggests deep purging and releasing, and a destruction of old structures that have lost heart, spirit and soul.  Capricorn, Saturn and Pluto do not move things fast forward.

But Uranus does.  Uranus is about change, sometimes drastic and sometimes quite surprising change. 

Also now Mars is in fiery early Aries, its favorite sign;  so there is energy for moving forward, taking action, making new starts, and boldly having the courage to be true to oneself and what one believes.

And with Jupiter in its favorite sign- fiery Sagittarius, there is a growing need for having more faith, bringing back joy and inspiration, and taking new adventures.

This week began  a new lunar cycle at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn which reaches “climax” at the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo, and ends at the New Moon in Aquarius on February 4.  That Aquarius New Moon also effectively ends this Eclipse Season.

So in the greater world one can expect some destructive energy in the Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse, which is best used to gain deeper insight,  facing inner demons, and releasing what no longer has anymore life and spirit.

At the same time Uranus brings strong winds of change, and a need to break away from what or whom keeps us captive.

So all in all this week should bring us further decay and destruction of the old paradigm.

But Uranus, and in a lesser way, Mars and Jupiter; bring us people wanting to break away and be free of controlling and dominating people.

The government shutdown likely ends close to the Solar Eclipse and Uranus changing winds.

The stock market, after a short break last week, likely continues in its downward spiral.

War drums in Israel and the Middle East sound more aggressively.  China and North Korea get more fed up with Trump and by association the USA.

And the more and more apparent Russian collusion with the Trump family will likely show us a likely road to impeachment before the end of this lunar cycle.

Much will be coming down soon in our world, as we transform into a Diversity within Unity Age of Aquarius.

We need a new world economy that is fair to all.  We need to break down the old Military systems of this world and all their Weapons of Mass Destruction. We will see the Military Industrial Complex drastically transform over the next few years.

Time for each of us to decide in a real and grounded way: Would we be better off letting our Earth and World stay where it is, even with the corruption, inequality, power abuse, privilege to the few, disconnections from each other and from the love, truth and knowledge that all is connected and meaningful in this world.

Or do we rather choose a powerful world transformation that could get very ugly and destructive; yet at the same time deliver us into an Age of Aquarius that keeps our human family together in unity with the Earth, each other, and with all life in our Universe.

Much deep transformational work will benefit from the planetary movements this week.   As you release the living dead components of your life now, positive attitudes and beneficial changes will erupt in your consciousness and life.

The power of change accelerates this week, both inner and outer change.  Let go and let life take you to your higher destiny.

Till next week,


If you have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology  reading contact me at

If you want a transit  reading, which tells you what changes are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your relationship, please write to me at

Till next week


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