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Power of the Feminine and Astrology Forecast October 7-13.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

With Venus now Retrograde (until November 16), and with a Venus ruled New Moon in Libra this week on Monday October 8; two themes are prominent: The Feminine and Relationships.

Venus has gone Retrograde in Scorpio, and if we were to look at various Goddesses, ones of power, depth and passion would be appropriate.

And Kali is one of those.  Seems like Kali is waiting to emerge- just outside our collective USA doorstep.

The old ways, especially the “old boys network” ways that are so powerful in the USA, are ready now for the force of Kali.

What happened this last week with the Kavanaugh for Supreme Court fiasco shows me that the passage into the Age of Aquarius will not be graceful.

Kavanaugh, besides the obvious sexual abuse he perpetrated, is unfit because of unbalanced temperament and certain bias against liberals. His out of control speech showed both of those faults.

But most importantly, and here is where Kali comes in, there is no real respect for women, and certainly not for those who have been  sexually terrorized, and made to feel like they have no value except as an object of others’ desires.

The old boys club needs to be shown cosmic lessons in humility and empathy, especially in regards to women. Kali is just the gal to do it.

So now women, and many men too, must embody the spirit of Kali and cause a revolution that transforms the power structure in our world and country.

It is time for a system that gives power and privilege to a select group of mainly white men to leave our country and world, And of course women like Senator Collins are part of the old boys club.

In some ways she is worse than the men, as she is a woman who talks like she understands and believes abused women, yet she still believes and still votes for Kavanaugh. Her talk is Bullshitting.

So as Venus goes Retrograde in Scorpio, let the power of the Feminine (which men can connect with and still be men) come through us all now.

And as we experience the New Moon in Libra on October 8 at 11:47 PM EDT in close square to Scorpio ruling Pluto, more power of Woman is unleashed.

Pluto has only recently gone Direct, so is still strong in our energy field.  And Libra is ruled by Venus, so Pluto and Venus are working in tandem (as they are with Venus in Scorpio too.)

There is no stopping this Feminine power now, so you can add your energy and will to it to make the movement work even more strongly.

Venus Retrograde and New Moon in Libra also point us to relationship issues.  Venus Retrograde in Scorpio begins a six week period of focus on relationships. In fact it is more like 11 weeks as the whole cycle extends to when Venus goes back to where it began its Retrograde movement (at 10+ degrees of Scorpio).

This is a real opportunity to experience old relationship patterns that are not working anymore, so you can work on changing, releasing, and transforming those patterns.  This is potentially really deep work, with many insights available for you.

This is about any kind of relationship: romantic, family, plutonic friendship, or work related.   Pluto and Scorpio do add the possibility of deep intimacy and sexual connections, so more romantic relationships fall into that category.

Scorpio and Pluto suggest that issues that have been suppressed or repressed will come back up again, hence old traumas (especially including sexual trauma) are ripe for being looked at, healed, and transformed. This is perfectly timed with what is happening in our world now.

It will be more and more difficult these next few months to keep the secret of abuse.  And so much emotion is attached to these memories. Allow for the clearing of the air and the catharsis that attends such emotional release.

Old ways need to die, old relationship patterns need to die.  And in some cases the actual relationship needs to die.

Pluto or Kali are not very gracious.  They can be ruthless and unforgiving. Events coming up in our world will be quite powerful and intense. Let the old ways, the old paradigm, go.

Remember that as bad as those ways are for our souls, bodies, and spirits, there is usually a part of us that resists the powerful change of letting them go.  It can be disruptive to our security driven lives. Surrender and acceptance are needed.

Jupiter is also in Scorpio, where it has been for the last year or so.  So its intensity adds to the theme of Scorpio and Pluto passions now.

Jupiter leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on November 8, just after Election Day November 6.  That Jupiter movement signifies things breaking open, moving outside the box, and into being liberated.

Many are so focused on that Election Day to transform the political landscape. And yes it is important to vote to change the status quo, but it will take much more than votes and elections to transform our world.

The Military/Industrial Complex of the Empire sustains the old world paradigm and the privileges it has provided for the chosen few.

Our energy and action in concert with the power of the Universe/God/Goddess/Allah/Source (whatever term is meaningful to you) are about to go to whole new levels of Transformational changes.

Do not let yourself get too down and out or depressed now, feeling there is nothing that can be done.  The winds of the Universe are at our backs now, so if we are proactive in this process of change it will be so much more powerful. We are not victims to this unfair system.

We are part of Nature and the Universe, Spirit and Soul.  That and our ability to come together in collective community are so much more powerful than a cabal of privileged people controlling and beholden to a man-made system, even though equipped with weapons of mass destruction.

Who and what do you believe in? What do you believe is ultimately more powerful? Love, Truth, Justice, and natural cycles of Nature and the Universe- or the Empire?

Till next week,


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