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So Shall it Be and Astrology Forecast March 22-28

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We have passed through the first part of Spring Eclipse Season 2015, as an important portal into the new world has been opening.

But I know for many of us it felt more like the old world was alive and well,  with fear and nasty behavior stronger than ever.

Five different people this past week asked me something similar.  The words may not have been exactly the same, but in essence they questioned the same thing.  They did not understand how people could be so mean or selfish or cold or rude, etc.

There was a lot of negative energy released this past week with the aspects of Uranus/Pluto and the Solar Eclipse.

In Israel the worst case scenario played out: Bibi Netanyahu’s Likud party was the winner of the vote, and almost for sure he will maintain his position as leader of Israel.  And as the election was still playing out on Election Day, he complained out loud about the droves of Arabs going to the polls.  And he stated that with his win the two state solution with the Palestinians was dead.

That in effect would mean that the peace process would end, and that the apartheid style of domination of Palestinians would get even worse.

Yes he took those statements back after he won, but of course he had to in order to try to retain support from America and the International community.

But these events in Israel promise much more conflict, turmoil and war in the Middle East, not a very graceful entry into the Age of Aquarius.

And if the nuclear talks with Iran do not bring some kind of framework resolution over the next 10 days or so, we can expect tremendous chaos before long in the Middle East.

This past week also brought two devastating attacks by ISIS, one killing almost 20 tourists in Tunisia and another one killing over a hundred people in Yemen.

And in Frankfurt Germany this past week there were protests that turned into huge riots over banks and the economy.

And now we are in the waxing half of the lunar cycle begun at the aforementioned Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces.   And true to Pisces there is an emotional outpouring and more chaotic feelings that are not easy to find a center within.

We are being taken out of our usual default positions inside ourselves and in our lives, so that we may be more able to let in the changes.  With Pisces there is a need to surrender control and trust the process of the Universe.

Yes some ugly energies have been released this past week, but we as individual humans can choose trust and love, or fear and anger.

What has been released is part of the process to get us where we need to go. If on a personal level in your own life this past week you experienced or expressed “negative” emotions, do your best not to judge or jump to conclusions too fast.

The “demons”, so to speak, were waiting at the entry of the opening portal.  They have been released into our collective consciousness.

Now it is time to “regroup” and reintegrate, to come back to our inner core and center.  There are more challenging winds of change ahead, and it is imperative we each keep a spiritual perspective and be true to our best human values.

I have been letting people know for a long time now that the Middle East would likely implode as part of the journey to an Age of Aquarius.  It is the part of the Earth that birthed many of our original civilizations and organized religions, and as such would show us what has gone wrong and what needs to be changed.

Planetarily speaking, we move now toward the second eclipse this Spring Eclipse Season 2015:  A Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries/Libra.   This Eclipse will have Uranus and Pluto in its signature, as Uranus will be conjunct the Sun in Aries and opposite the Moon in Libra; and Pluto in Capricorn will be square the Sun and Moon.  This will happen on April 4.

Since Uranus and Pluto will still be close be being exactly square (since they were exact on March 16), it will be another powerful Eclipse event.  We will discuss that more at our next Perspectives column next week.

And keep in mind that after the last of two eclipses this spring, we will continue to have more changes and dramatic events.

Whatever swirls through our lives during this portal opening now, which continues through the Lunar Eclipse on April 4, will tend to activate events at and after the New Moon in Aries on April 18.

In your personal life and soul journey, there may be more emotional and spiritual processing to go through over the next couple of weeks.  More “negativity” may be released as the positive light rays of this opening portal meet the energies that block out this light.  As those blocks are cracked open, they are more able to be released.

So do not hold onto the fear or anger or jealousy, etc.. Do not stop to judge your self for feeling or expressing them. Instead release them, and release those people or situations or attitudes or beliefs or stuck old patterns that have held them for you.

As you release, you open your vessel to the light frequencies, and in the process bring back trust and hope and more love and wisdom.

You do not deserve to stay stuck or in pain or trapped in your mind or life.  There is nothing you have done that cannot be atoned for, cannot be healed, cannot be resolved sufficiently.  Beating yourself up tells the Universe you are not ready for moving on from the past.

You will be given the opportunity during this Pisces Eclipse Lunar Cycle, which lasts until April 18, to face your old ghosts and demons and release them as part of your transformational process.

Are there people in your life or thoughts in your head that mirror back to you the old negative self image you keep holding onto.  Let it go now so you can be ready to move forward after the Aries New Moon on April 18.

And in our greater world, much will similarly swirl around during this portal opening.  The old fear based ways will continue to rear their ugly heads as they did at the Israeli elections this past week.

The global economy, governmental and military/police controls are in the process of huge transformation.  Those old ways hold up the old world and its corruption, its needs to perpetuate patterns of domination and control and unhealthy self interest.  It needs to be changed and the coming events will ultimately help in that process.

So many of you have moved far away from being pulled into the games that perpetuate that old world.  You no longer can be motivated by the fear it uses to run the old world.  You do not need to play its games, the games that lack heart and soul and trust in nature and the Universe and the human spirit.

But perhaps there are still parts of you that are still influenced and fear the hand of an old judgemental God who will smite you or send you to hell.

If so, now you will have opportunity to release these fears and symbolically send them out to a black hole in the Universe.   Take the next step and tell the Universe you are ready to trust like a child again. You can send that message by releasing that which keeps you chained to your fears, your victimization, and your resentments.

All happens for a reason, even your worst and most horrific events from your past are stepping stones to your self actualization, to your purpose for being here.

See it that way and then so shall it be.

I have created a new YouTube presentation for the Spring Portal.

Till next week,


You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find my services on my website  You can sign up for our newsletter there.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years

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