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Spring has Sprung and Astrology Forecast March 21-27

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Welcome to Spring 2021.

I put together a chart, based in Washington DC, for the first moment of Spring. This is to get a general sense of Spring 2021 in the USA.

Jupiter and Mars were the planets most emphasized in this chart. Jupiter is in Aquarius on the Ascendant and Mars is on the IC in Gemini.

Jupiter shows the USA on the upswing with its Aquarian values shining brightly as it comes back, through the new administration.

There is a renewed sense of diversity, missing since the Obama presidency. And there is promise of Diversity within Unity being shown more evidently going forward.

The Mars in Gemini on the 4th house cusp (domestic, personal, family, home, inner values) shows fighting within the USA collective family. That likely means this Spring we can expect more Culture War battles. That would not be surprising.

That Mars in Gemini is conjunct the Moon in Gemini, so there is the Moon trying to keep the “family” together, as Mars is angrily pulling away. Shades of Civil War? Maybe it is about the families that come across the Mexico/USA borders?

Mars is an important planet to watch this Spring as it returns to its natal placement in the USA chart from July 4 1776. April 8 has the Mars Return, just a few days before the powerful new beginnings promised at the Aries New Moon on April 11.

And on June 10 there is a Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at almost 20 degrees of Gemini. It is conjunct the USA natal Mars at 21 degrees of Gemini. So conflict may be on the rise this Spring 2021.

To add to the notion of renewed energies for USA Aquarian principles of Diversity within Unity, Liberation and Freedom, and greater Equality; Jupiter makes its first of 3 passes conjunct the USA Natal Moon in Aquarius on April 23.

That could also mean some event (s) bringing more energies of patriotism to the country.

Spring 2021 looks like it could be quite powerful.

Did you read how President Biden spoke about President Kamala Harris at a talk of his recently. Freudian slip? In May/June Jupiter will leave Aquarius for a couple months as it moves into Pisces.

Jupiter will stop to go back Retrograde at 2+ degrees of Pisces on Summer Solstice June 20. In Kamala’s natal chart 2+ degrees is where her MC resides. That is the career angle of her chart. Could there be some kind of connection to what Biden said about her?

This week after the Sun moves into Aries on March 20, Venus moves into Aries on March 21. On March 25 the Sun and Venus conjunct in Aries.

Hearts are more into action and movement. We begin to shake off the cobwebs of Winter, and move forward in our lives.

Word to the wise: Not time to really get into gear yet. Wait till after April 11 at the New Moon in Aries to get into full force action. Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto all make close connection to that New Moon in Aries.

As we move more fully into this New Chapter of our lives, you can expect the paradigm we have been programmed into, and given our loyalty to, will be breaking down in big ways.

I believe we are on the verge of a collective Visitation or at least Disclosure. It should be sometime this year. The economic and stock market bubbles will be punctured. Culture Wars will escalate.

But most importantly, wonder and magic are waiting on the wings of the New Paradigm. Love that knows no bounds is getting ready to burst open. Truth that sets us free is holding hands with that Love.

April 3 is when our next show will be broadcast. That is about a week before the April 11 New Moon in Aries. Hope to see you there.

Till next week


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