By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Today Saturday December 6 brings us a Full Moon in Sagittarius/Gemini at 7:27 AM EST. So leading up to this Full Moon energies have been rising. Sagittarius is fire and Gemini is air, so both of these signs go “up and out”, not “down and in”. It therefore is a yang-like Full Moon, extroverted by nature.
And of course Full Moons are energized not matter what the signs involved. After Full Moons, however, we enter the waning Moon phase of the lunar cycle. In other words energies slow down and are more tempered.
This Full Moon has brought some hope, new ideas, and animated conversations to many. Some may also actually feel as if they have turned a corner and begun to shed some negative feelings and thoughts.
Perhaps there is even a sense of rebirth for some. It is a rather complicated time, however, planetarily speaking.
That is because as energies have been rising with the approaching Full Moon, at the same time we are moving down into the Winter Solstice. And in so doing, we are moving into darker days.
Winter Solstice is the turning point when dark minutes have reached their zenith and light minutes begin to increase.
So at this time of year, many are feeling a need to put the proverbial blanket over their heads and retreat to their inner domain. They need to feel their feelings, to be alone, to contemplate and reflect.
At the same time the Sun in Sagittarius brings fiery enthusiasm that connects well with holiday spirit.
Then comes the Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon and energies are wanting to rise even more. Jupiter changing directions and going retrograde on Monday December 8 brings even more enthusiasm.
But of course at the same time we are being pulled downward by Winter Solstice on the way, and days getting darker and colder.
And the mixed up energetics now can cause anxiety, especially so with the rush and push and materialism of the holiday season.
And this year, unlike other years when this same up and down dynamic plays out, making many to feel kind of “bi-polar”; we additionally have a most powerful Uranus square Pluto aspect coming on December 14/15.
This highly transformational square has been especially strong this year as it formed with the Cardinal Grand Cross and the eclipses.
We have been motivated to leave behind old ways and chapters of our lives, old self defeating attitudes and beliefs. At the same time we have been trying to acclimate to new experiences, new phases of our lives.
And now as we bring in this next exact square of Uranus and Pluto on December 14/15, we are facing another turning point. This square is only a few days before the Winter Solstice on December 21, making the Uranus/Pluto square more meaningful.
And this Winter Solstice is more important than usual as it forms a New Moon in Capricorn that day, and contains the wake-up call of Uranus going direct that day also. More on this in a later week.
What does it all mean as we get closer to ending a most powerful year of change in 2014?
Well all transformational challenges bring us to choices. Outcomes are not necessarily preordained. We humans make choices, choices that affect how are lives will then go.
And the most important choice at every big transformational turning point is the question of “To Be or Not to Be”?
Do I choose to live, to have life, to see my rough and challenging events as meaningful on my road of personal evolution- or not?
Was the breakup of my relationship, the loss of my job, the sickness I incurred, the loss of my pet, etc, challenges to growth, endings and beginnings of new seasons of life, transformational turning points, times to release that which was not right for me anymore, and times for rebirth into a more authentic and meaningful life?
Or do I decide I am a victim, life is hopeless, I am a failure, I have wasted my life, I will never break bad patterns, never have a good life, and feel stuck and defeated?
What the Universe brings to us may not be within our control, but what we do with it is. By not falling into victimhood, we empower ourselves and change our lives. We then set a foundation for having the Universe bring us better events in the future, as the law of attraction shifts for the better.
On a deeper level of our consciousness we can see the glass of life as half full instead of half empty. It is often a very subtle shift deep inside, but that shift is ultimately earth shaking and can move mountains.
Its roots are in love instead of fear, trust and faith instead of cynicism.
So this time period between now and winter solstice is important mentally and spiritually, as we decide on positive transformation or a sliding downward.
In the greater world there has been so much shaking up this year, and it is so easy to get discouraged and depressed about it. It is so easy to be cynical about our world.
Our government is dysfunctional and our society often seems to be not connected to our better human values.
There are growing threats from Islamic State and Al Queda. The Middle East seems more messed up than ever. And lately the problems of race in America seem worse than ever.
All at once it has come to our mass attention how black men who are unarmed can be killed by police. It should make no difference whether they have previous felony convictions or not. And the black men in New York and Ferguson committed mainly minor offenses like selling illegal cigarettes.
And even if they refused to listen to police commands, did they deserve to die as a result? Does an unarmed man, like the one in Ferguson, need 12 bullets fired at him, six of which hit him?
Does not a man in New York, who is also unarmed, and pleading that he is choking and cannot breathe, deserve to be let go of the choke hold so he can breathe?
And why do so many black men fill our prisons, often for only drug offenses? How can we not see the prejudice that has tried to emasculate these men since slavery? How can we not admit to ourselves that there is tendency to see black men as criminals, and to treat them as such?
How can we not see that when you treat people as if they are mean dogs, then they will show you just what you want to see?
Do you believe black men are bad by nature? And that is why they fill up our prisons? Or can we see a bigger picture of a society needing a big overhaul of consciousness and behavior around race relations?
And yes it is true that prejudice goes both ways and that so many blacks have hatred for whites too. But who has been in power all these years? Who has abused that power going all the way back to slavery?
In a new age of equality and Diversity in Unity, we will heal these wounds; and hopefully these current events will help us to do so.
There is a dialogue going on now that can be a motivation for healing and better equality.
The Universe is bringing us these issues, so we can decide what we will think and what we will feel and what we will do for change. As has been previously stated, we are at an important turning point now.
And even if you agree that the police and society have been unfair to black men, it would not be aligned to hate the police and white authorities as a result.
In the Old Age there is a need to fight against enemies and to make some people superior and better than others. And it is those old paradigm values that need to change. The police are not bad in themselves, but instead are reflections of a societal attitude to make some people better than others and to create enemies of the system and state who must be crushed.
And yes if you are seeing more emphasis on police and military, you may be worried about a growing police state. That police state represents our collective desire to keep the old paradigm alive, to feel secure, and to keep the supposed threats controlled.
But there is the light of the new world and new paradigm trying to penetrate the dark stuck blocks of the old world. Let it in. Open to that which brings love and light. As you do, you will feel better and safer than you imagined.
As we shift our collective consciousness to equality and knowing we are all in the same family, we can build a world aligned with the Age of Aquarius.
See you next week,
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Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 29 years