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Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo and Astrology Forecast August 20-26

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

The long awaited Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo happens this week Monday August 21. Though this eclipse represents an extremely important passage for our human family, I wish people had not turned it into another Super Bowl type event.

This Eclipse opens a portal into a big New Chapter of life on Planet Earth, a New Chapter that will take us through an important part of our transition into the Age of Aquarius.

Quite obviously this New Chapter brings with it much turmoil and challenge, to put it lightly; but this New Chapter will also bring many great awakenings, heart openings, a greater sense of connection and meaning, and new vistas of truth beyond what we have been programmed to believe about ourselves and our world.

So it would be good at the time of the eclipse to meditate and pray, to visualize what this new world will be like both collectively and individually.

All new moons are good times to pray, meditate and visualize; but this one being a Total Solar Eclipse New Moon gives this new moon a far greater authority to shape the world we will live in.

Of course some things are already in place and are meant to be, but much else is open to the co-creation from our human family.

We are definitely in for some turmoil, chaos, and darkness, but the intensity and length I believe can be changed with our intentions, actions, and level of evolving.

Out in the world leading up to this Total Eclipse, there were a few intense conflicts and potential wars that have been playing out.

There is a culture war that was triggered into greater force in Charlottesville, and is continuing in Boston and other places now.

There has been an increase this past week in Islamic State terror attacks: 2 in Spain; 1 in Finland, and 1 in Russia.

And of course North Korea has been burning with talk of war, though this last week rageful talk lessened appreciably.

But on the date of the eclipse, by no mere random coincidence, the USA and South Korea will be active in practicing war games together. North Korea wants those games to be cancelled as it sees them as threatening actions right near its border. And it expects the USA and South Korea to reciprocate the gesture of North Korea not sending promised missiles toward Guam.

This is a big turning point on Monday at the eclipse. If the USA and South Korea go through with their war games, North Korea will likely send some powerful message in return. And then we are back where we were a couple weeks ago and probably even much worse.

The culture wars’ recent rise in emotional temperature, while we are experiencing a most chaotic, unstable, and unpredictable Trump presidential administration, shows us a splitting of America, not dissimilar to the Civil War.

And Islamic State is getting more geared up for western attacks now, as it loses more and more of its territory in Syria and Iraq.

America and the Western World are facing a huge bout of dissolution during our journey into an Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian values of America’s Bill of Rights are being threatened by recent events. America has it natal moon (its inner values) in Aquarius.

What happened in Charlottesville is showing us the needed transformation of those Aquarian values. “All Men are Created Equal…” needs an update and transformation.

How about Women, how about men and women who are not just white northern Europeans, which were the vast majority of those who populated the colonies here in America when the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written?

How about other countries and cultures all around the world? How about those who have alternative sexual orientations?

All People are Created equal.

So America is in the process of a transformation of its values, its Aquarian values, both from the inside and from the outside of its borders.

And when Rome lost its way it decayed on the inside, and was threatened by those outside its borders.

Now we have an opportunity to evolve into an equal member of this world, beyond Empire and Superpower status.

So inside ourselves we are letting go of notions of intrinsic superiority or inferiority; of some deserving more than others; of believing life is a battle for survival over others; and that our souls belong to and are beholden to a church or a nation or our employers or our families.

We are responsible for our own souls and their relationship to collective Soul, collective Spirit, and the Universe.

Allow yourself to feel this powerful Eclipse turning point for our consciousness and lives here on Earth.

Trust the Universe and its greater plan of a changing of ages.

Be open and ready for greater knowledge of our human truths and human heritage.   Allow your heart and mind to be open to extraterrestrial origins and potential extraterrestrial visitation. It is coming.

Open your mind and heart to experiencing new frequencies and dimensions, new ways to view our human experience.

Have faith all is happening aligned with Divine and Earthly wisdom, as we move into a New Age of Aquarius.

This Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo will be at 2:30 PM EDT.  It will have Uranus, the planet of great awakenings, in close trine to that Eclipse.  Uranus will add greater energy to the Eclipse and desires to break away and break free.

Also this week Saturn is slowing down as it is about to go Retrograde this coming Thursday August 24.

As it changes direction from Retrograde to Direct movement, its energy of contraction and gravity fills our psychic air space.

Going Direct, Saturn gives a sense of Time starting up again, of predestination, of “meant to be”,  of responsibility, of doing what needs to be done.

This Saturn shifts directions at 21+ degrees of Sagittarius– almost exactly opposite the USA natal Mars in Gemini, almost exactly conjunct Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius and opposite his Sun in Gemini, which tellingly is conjunct the USA natal Mars.

And Trump’s natal Ascendant and Mars are closely conjunct the Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 28+ degrees of Leo.  This Eclipse is also opposite the aforementioned USA Moon in Aquarius.

So Donald Trump and the USA are very connected to this Eclipse.  Will we get in a war with North Korea?   Will Trump get impeached?  Will the culture wars turn into a Civil War again?

Or will the Eclipse turning point show us the way to peace with North Korea, and a turning down of the temperature of the culture wars?

The turning point moment is the Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo on August 21at 2:30 PM.

Remember that Mercury is still Retrograde then, so do not jump to any conclusions or try to force your mind into finding quick solution.   Linear thinking is not at its best now.

Time “starts up again” with Saturn Direct on August 24.

Mercury goes back Direct on September 5.  

This Eclipse season ends at the New Moon in Virgo on September 19/20, close to the Autumn Equinox on September 22.

important World events can happen anytime during that time frame of August 21-September 20.   And yet many other world events with reference to Eclipse Season will happen after Eclipse Season ends on September 20, including great economic challenges, which we will talk about later.

In your personal life, be prepared for both world and personal changes that will transform your consciousness and transform your life.

You will need to leave your comfort zones and open to the new energies wanting to pour through this Portal into a New Chapter of our lives.

It is natural now to feel out of balance and not knowing where things are headed. Therefore trust is important now, trust we live in a meaningful and loving Universe, even when things are really difficult.

This ride can bring great joy and fun too, if you can let go of your need to control from your fears.  Please do not buy into the dramas now that can evoke great fear and hatred of those who are different than you like Trumpites.

Life and evolution are moving beyond these dinosaurs who are moving toward a last hurrah on their way to the dustbin of history.  They do not have control of our future.  We can only hope that we are not taken through too much darkness and suffering on our way to the Age of Aquarius.

You can help if you do not get consumed by great fear or hatred.  Those traits perpetuate the old ways, as do beliefs that the abusively powerful, greedy, mean spirited, hateful, bigoted, self serving people of the world inherit the Earth.

If you believe they will continue to dominate our world, you ought to question your deeper values, and question what you believe about humanity and the Universe.

Take care,


Please take a look at the new video I made about the coming eclipses: There will be a follow up video within the next couple of weeks

Till next week,


Please take a look at the video David Lonebear Sanipass and I created a few months ago-

If you need any help with your relationship now, I have done couples’ counseling for many years. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go?  I use the astrological model to compare charts to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.

And if you would like a personal reading/consultation, please contact me at

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