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Transformation at Work and Astrology Forecast September 30- October 6.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Powers of transformation are increasing this week.   Pluto has been slowing down while in the process of shifting from Retrograde to Direct on Sunday September 30.

Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld, brings up to the surface all the darker, more primal energies stored down below.  It is also like a black hole vortex, sucking down into its core whatever is losing its spirit and soul.

As it is changing directions, and for days after it goes back Direct, Pluto is moving more slowly while its energy permeates our consciousness.

What happened with Kavanaugh and the Senate this past week is so like Pluto.  People are letting go of civility and letting primal passions take over.  That includes the good, bad, and ugly emotional expressions of it.

As Pluto brings up the darker elements, it seeks to purge that which is old and dying matter. Old patterns of behavior, traumas and wounds come up to be intimately seen and re-experienced. Then comes purging, healing, catharsis and finally rebirth like the Phoenix rising.

And speaking of Phoenix, Arizona Senator Flake was the catalyst this past week for potential transformation this coming week.

He created a bridge between the warring political enemies, by demanding a thorough FBI investigation of the accusations of Doctor Ford and others against Judge Kavanaugh.

In your own life, feel the deep transformation moving through the bowels of our human souls.

You can now deal with what is needing to be experienced in order for transformation to occur.

You can expect over the next several days an opportunity to move through what may have seemed like stuck blocks in the system. And that is followed by a feeling of moving forward with more confidence in the New Chapter of your life.

When Jupiter starts its year long adventure in Sagittarius this November, the fiery light will be pushing hard through the blocks and igniting new ways.

Tuesday October 2 gets Mercury making a square to the recently Direct and slow moving Pluto. This affords you an opportunity to go deeper inside to find deeper insight into matters.

Your “third eye” chakra is being activated then to help you to see more deeply into matters and issues.

Also on Tuesday October 2, the 4th and last quarter phase of the lunar cycle begins with the Moon in CancerThe New Moon in Virgo began this lunar cycle, and now in the 4th quarter it is time to clean up and bring all together in preparation for the New Moon in Libra on October 8.

And another important planetary movement happens this week, as Venus is going Retrograde starting Friday October 5.

Venus is in Scorpio as it goes Retrograde, and that connects well with the Pluto emphasis this week.

Pluto is the “ruling” planet of Scorpio, so Venus going Retrograde in Scorpio brings a theme of deep, primal, passionate emotional expressions.

Like all planets, as Venus slows down to change directions its energy and meaning get stronger in our collective energy field.

Venus is about heart issues related to relationships, all kinds of relationship.  

So Venus in Pluto-flavored Scorpio will seek to bring up relationship passions, deeper relationship insights, and potential conflicts that “put all the cards on the table” and make real what has previously been avoided or suppressed.

Since Venus is going to be Retrograde until November 16, past relationships and relationship patterns will be in the spotlight of our awareness.

These old dysfunctional and toxic relationship patterns that previously have gone nowhere toward resolution, now will have potential for healing and transformation into better ways of relating.

Relationship counseling can do more than usual for you over the next several weeks, so keep that as an option.

Yet this Venus Retrograde will affect all types of relationship, not just romantic ones. So families, friendships, work relationships, etc may be affected.

If conflicts come up for you, keep the higher meaningful perspective on them, no matter how ugly they may become.

The conflicts are meant to be, and to help you to bring things to a head, where they can be transformed and changed, or in some cases ended.

It will be much more difficult during this Venus Retrograde to keep status quo, same-old patterns on life support systems.   You are ready for a change.

Now that conflicts, especially in the world, are getting quite ugly; it is easy to get negative and cynical about our world.

And yes something is falling apart and dying!  It is the Old Paradigm and Age.  Let it die.  Stop trying to bring it back to a saner old normal place. That is gone now. There is a better place ahead.

Keep your perspective on what is truly happening. If you are a progressive liberal look at Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortes or Jill Stein for inspiration. If you are a conservative look at Ben Shapiro or Ron Paul or even Senator Flake for inspiration. Look at the Green Party or the Libertarian Party for more pure versions of liberal and conservative.

The Yin/Yang symbol is for all opposites, male and female, dark and light or even conservative and liberal. Opposites are held in the circle of unity in the Yin/Yang symbol- not separation.

We need people of integrity of all parties and persuasions. We need respectful conversation between those of different opinion, in order to find what is in the common good. Those who believe differently than you are not the enemy.

Trump, as dysfunctional and unbalanced as he is, is a bridge into our new world. He and what he represents is causing the old system to implode before our eyes.

But he and what he represents are not what will stay and take over.

So keep the faith and stay on your higher path. If you have recently been pulled off the path, this week you can right the ship toward your personal evolution into the Age of Aquarius consciousness.

The light of a new world is shining, though your fears may be creating shadows that make it difficult to know.

Be careful not to get sucked into the black hole of dying lights. You have the ability of conscious intention, prayer, and meditative connection to Source.

Take the ride out of your uncomfortable comfort zones and connect with the energies of soul and spirit that are bringing us together in meaning.

Love and Truth run this Universe. Let it Be.

till next week,


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