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Trusting the Process and Astrology Forecast November 10-16.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

The Sun is still in Scorpio while Mercury remains Retrograde in Scorpio this week.

A large part of our psyche is being brought inward for a view of the “darker” side of consciousness.

Jupiter is bringing  a balance to that, as it remains in the Light of “glass half full” Sagittarius, where it has been for almost a year now.

On December 2, Jupiter will enter gravity inducing Capricorn, where it will stay for the next year or so.

Before that,  Mercury will go back Direct on November 20; and a New Moon in Sagittarius lights up the holiday season on November 26.

And then on December 11, Winter 2019/2020 Eclipse Season begins as a Full Moon in Gemini shows us the early winds from the coming eclipses. 

Two weeks later, on Christmas night December 25, the first of two eclipses burst into our lives:  A Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn.

And then on January 10 thru 12,  three  important planetary events bully their way into our lives:  a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Cancer on January 10; Uranus changing directions back to Direct also on January 10; and the powerful Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on January 12.

So from now till the end of January 2020, we face an important turning point in our human lives. What happens during that period of time will strongly influence the direction of all of our lives.

Be prepared to let die what is ready to go.  If your job or home or relationship has lost its spirit and your heart is no longer “in it”, it may be time to begin to move forward without it.

In many cases, however, there is enough interest to revive the almost dead.  Find a way to get to the root cause, and then work to transform the patterns that keep it lifeless.

I understand how needs for security keep fear “running the show”, which keeps you stuck in that lifeless job or relationship.

Look for the signs and symbols that show you the way.  The Universe is there for you if you truly believe.   The Universe does not abandon us; we abandon the Universe.

If we project our parental disappointments on the Universe, we will not be able to see and appreciate its magical workings.

What our inner child’s ego wants is not necessarily what is best for us and our greater destiny.  We cannot demand we get what we want from the Universe.  Our Soul self or Higher Self is more aligned with our purpose, our karma, our true heart and mind that are connected to the Universe.

The ego can be “at war” with the Universe.  Our soul self is instead connected to the Universe, not obedient to the Universe and not rebelling against it.  It is in co-creation with it.

From your awakened spiritual path, there is a releasing of the ego governed world, and an embracing of the spirit/soul world. There is no killing of the ego; instead the ego learns its place- in service to the spirit self.

This Eclipse Season picks up the pace in our transformational journey.  The energy for letting go of the old chapter and letting in of the new chapter is greater.

For now however, with the Scorpio and Mercury Retrograde energies being strong, we get in touch with what has not been resolved from the past. We search for truth, and in doing so we can let go of our victim mentality.

You may feel you have been victimized, but you are not a victim. And you are not the prey for any predators.  You are capable of owning your power and standing up for yourself.

And not being a prey does not make you a predator.  The whole predator/prey mindset is no longer viable in the new consciousness aligned with the Age of Aquarius.

And you are neither a victim nor a perpetrator.  That is old paradigm. There is a consciousness that takes us beyond that mindset.

We are each a soul connected to a community of souls, each unique and different from the others, but we are all connected like instruments in an orchestra.

Each instrument and voice individualized, but in concert with all instruments and voices, making beautiful music together: Diversity within Unity.

The Sun in Scorpio now is about to make a connected opposition to the waxing (growing) Moon in Taurus on Tuesday November 12 at 8:34 AM.  That makes a Full Moon in Taurus.

The Taurus/Scorpio connection at this full moon shows a need to combine the peaceful solidity of physical Taurus with the intense passion of emotional Scorpio.

Together they may have tugs-of-war at first, each trying to get the upper hand.  But then they hopefully settle into combining their energies- Body and Soul-  And making sexual love is one of its best creations.

After that Full Moon, the Moon enters its waning phase, the light getting dimmer and dimmer until after the next New Moon- in Sagittarius on November 26.

This week, after the Full Moon which promises relational interaction, we experience on Thursday November 14 a softer and more romantic Venus/Neptune connection by square.

Though they are square to one another, there nevertheless is the promise of a sense of romance, one that may need some real communication in order to get beyond the confusion.

Remember this week that Mercury is still Retrograde (until November 20) and as such requires us not to not try too hard to “figure it all out”.  Instead trust the process to unfold, and as it does it will deliver what you need.

Till next week,


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Please check out my website and see some old forecast videos and podcasts.

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