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Wings begin to spread open and Astrology Forecast for November 4-10

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Big Energy shifts this week can be seen through planetary movement.

It is certainly synchronistic that an important Election Day happens this week as the important planetary movements play out.

Early this week we continue inward and yin-ward movement as we are going through a last quarter darkening Moon in the sky.

Darkening fears have been trying to take over our consciousness.  Inner demons have been looking for more attention.

But this week we get strong triggering of our more active, vital impulses.

The darkening Moon shifts on Wednesday into a New Moon in Scorpio at 11:02 AM EST.  The day before, Retrograde Uranus shifts from fixed earth Taurus back into bold active Aries. 

Then the night of the New Moon in Scorpio, that same Uranus in Aries makes an inconjunct (150 degrees) connection with Jupiter as Jupiter has a last gasp of its year long placement in Scorpio.

On the day after the New Moon in Scorpio, Jupiter shifts from Scorpio into Sagittarius.  It will stay there for about a year.

Those planetary configurations will bring to us energies of passion, excitement, enthusiasm, awakenings, and new beginnings.

And these energy shifts happen surrounding Election Day in the USA. It will be a very intense day with a New Moon in Scorpio and the other planetary shifts surrounding that day. The uglier side of humanity will be stronger.  Yet “our better angels” will also be hanging out with us that day.

Before the election, Trump has the power, as president, to create events that tend to make him and the Republican Party look good.  Keep an eye out for that.

And both parties will be selling us on how life will bring tragic disasters if we vote for the other party.

Much will shift and open up after this election, as can be seen by the planetary movements this week.

Especially important to look at is the movement of Jupiter out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.  The last time it was in Sagittarius was from November 2006- December 2007.

What was your life like during that time period? What similarities are there to now?

Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, Jupiter goes from being “down under” to “places in the sky”.

Pluto, guardian of the underworld, is the ruling planet of Scorpio.  Jupiter (Zeus) is the supreme god of the highest realms.  Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and loves to be in that sign as it is this coming year.

Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so when in Scorpio it seeks to expand its influence in the lower realms, like our lower chakras or our more instinctual impulses. It also opens up our ability to see deeper within for deeper insights. And it seeks to bring us more fully into our passions and shows us more clearly what gives us that passion.  Sometimes, however, more “ugly” emotions are expressed with Jupiter in Scorpio.

While is Sagittarius, Jupiter expands our enthusiasm, our desires for inspiration, our search for higher meaning and solutions, for having a big picture look at issues.  Jupiter in Sagittarius will tend to expand the influence of our upper chakras, most often our crown chakra which wants to connect with the “sky gods” of meaning and inspiration.

And very importantly, Jupiter in Sagittarius motivates many to leap into things, to take new adventures. Of course that can be very good, but leaping before one looks closely at the potential consequences of such impulsiveness (called spontaneity by those taking the leap) can bring disastrous results.

This potential impulsiveness may show itself in our world, which is very vulnerable to dangerous triggers now.

Jupiter in Sagittarius does everything big, sometimes “bigger then life” so to speak.

Issues heat up while Jupiter is in Scorpio, bringing so much pressure to keep everything from blowing up.

Sagittarius is a fire sign, a free spirited fire sign. As such Jupiter in Sagittarius is often the match that lights the wild fire of our expressions and actions.

So that which was bottled up in Scorpio will open up in Sagittarius.

This next year will also tend to bring you to that which inspires you and lifts your spirits.

Jupiter in Sagittarius often heightens our connections to our intuition and motivates us to act on those intuitions.  It is best to check out the surrounding facts and to question what we are intuitively drawn to do before acting.

In the greater world, ill advised military adventures are more likely this coming year. There is also a better chance of manic over reactions when Jupiter is in Sagittarius.

Those who have been severely depressed this past year will have a better chance of breaking through their “down” feelings this year.

Many others will shift from “glass half empty” to “glass half full” this year.

So on election day expect your passion for what is important to you to be ignited with the New Moon being in passionate, primal Scorpio.

Then the next day with Jupiter going into Sagittarius, you will want to be more unbridled to express and do what you want to do. Your need for freedom will be much stronger this year.

In the greater world, powerful events are quite likely this week, events that will bring turmoil and out of control possibilities.

This election will tend to open up Pandora’s box of previously “kept in-tact” emotions and actions.

This recently opened New Chapter of our individual and collective lives will be in full throttle after this week’s shifts and changes.

There is definitely no turning back now.  It is soon time to let our spirits fly more, to open things up, to see thing from the big picture view.

You can more easily take the “high road” now.  Commit to doing that and not letting anyone or anything take you down from that place now.

Yes everything will be more out of control this coming year, but also there is an breaking out of stuck places that occurs also. Tightness will be difficult to maintain, locks will not keep your spirit locked up anymore. Open up your wings and fly this coming year. Jupiter in Sagittarius will facilitate that movement.

Also commit to finding the higher meaning to everything, including the most painful events that have happened in your life.

Everything does happen for a reason, and this coming year with Jupiter in Sagittarius lead your life with the faith and trust that accompany the knowing of “all happens for a reason”.

Likely there is shift to the left that will happen at this election, which will tend to further ignite the cultural war in the USA.

No matter how this election turns out, however, we are moving inexorably toward an Age of Aquarius.

And when you get clear about your Self and your mission,  you will have much fire inside you to inspire you to follow your heart, with your head as close adviser.

It is time to get off the fence of distractions, and to fire up your internal engines for the activation and manifestation of your purpose here on Earth.

Till next week,


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